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Truth Bombs

Truth Bombs

February 2, 2023 I had a powerful encounter with the Lord today. As I sat and waited on the Lord, I was taken high into the Heavens. I saw Jesus in front of me. He called me to Him, and I found myself soaring on the back of an eagle once again – and I felt nothing but...

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Strongholds and Principalities

Strongholds and Principalities

January 25, 2023 Wow. Sometimes when I sit and wait on the Lord, I can sense immediately that He has a serious matter on His heart. And that is what I prayed for – “Lord, what is on your heart today? What do You want to share with Your children?” This was definitely...

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No Detail Will Be Left Out

No Detail Will Be Left Out

January 13, 2023 In my prayer time today, I found myself standing with Jesus in front of a large swimming area that had a beautiful waterfall. There were people of all ages swimming, and my heart felt so full because all I could feel was pure joy! It was beautiful....

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The Old Has Gone – The New Has Come

The Old Has Gone – The New Has Come

The Lord has been speaking to me for several months about a New Era that we are entering into. As more and more truths are revealed, and as more people awaken to what has been going on, God is continually moving us forward into this New Era where the old has gone and...

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Weariness Will Turn to Joy

Weariness Will Turn to Joy

January 5, 2023 Today was special. As I’m typing these words, I’m having a difficult time with how I want to describe what I’m feeling, because my time with the Lord today was just so special. My father is in the hospital getting many tests run – he will be 75...

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December 29, 2022 This past year has been amazing and heartbreaking at the same time. It’s been amazing because God and His army of angels have been hard at work fighting for us, and many changes have already come because of it – and more changes are coming – more...

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Unity and Peace

Unity and Peace

December 22, 2022 Unity is something the Lord has been speaking to me about for well over a decade. He has been making massive preparations for what is coming for a really long time. We are on the brink of it right now. We are so close! The Lord wants us to understand...

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From Awakening to Shaking Shifting to Sifting

From Awakening to Shaking Shifting to Sifting

December 15, 2022 As I sat with the Lord today, I was taken into a vision. I saw the entire world shifted onto its side. The shaking continues. Everything will be shaken – and only what is grounded wholeheartedly in God will remain. These are things that I knew in my...

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Stumbling Blocks

Stumbling Blocks

December 8, 2022 I spent another wonderful evening with the Lord. He knew I was exhausted this evening, so we just sat together for a while – and I rested my head on His shoulder. I so enjoy His company. He asked me, “What is it you want the most right now?” I...

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Strong Winds

Strong Winds

December 1, 2022 Even though the Christmas season is in full swing, the Lord wanted me to know that He is still moving at full speed with His plan to deliver us from this evil era we are living in. I had a powerful encounter with the Lord today that I hope will...

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