Best Selling Author
About Kathy
Kathy Zacca was born in Dallas, Texas and has lived in Texas all her life. She has been married to her husband, Shaun, for thirty-four years. Shaun was born in England and moved to Texas when he was eleven years old. They were married right out of high school and are very proud of the four children they have raised. She is also Mimi to three grandchildren. Kathy has been a Secretary, Payroll Specialist, Office Manager, Customer Service Representative, and a Teacher at a private school. She is now doing what she loves most – writing! Kathy loves cooking for her family, and her favorite hobbies are cross stitching and reading. She also loves to travel. Her passion for writing comes from reading many different books throughout her life. She loves how words on a page can be so inspiring and life changing, or how they can take you to a different world.

Kathy’s Books
We are better, we are stronger, and we are smarter when we STAND ON FAITH TOGETHER!

Why Faith Is So Important
Kathy is passionate about faith because it changed her life. She has a desire to teach others about the importance of faith because it is the single most important decision a person will ever make. She wants to encourage others to have faith and to listen for God’s voice because He is calling His Ecclesia (church) to speak up and no longer be silent. The roar of the lion of Judah will be loud, and it will be beautiful to see and hear all around the world. A revival is coming, and she wants to encourage others to be ready – it starts with faith as small as a mustard seed.
Want to Meet with Kathy?
If you would like to schedule a book signing or have Kathy speak at an event, please click the schedule now button, and we will contact you within 24 hours of your submission.