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The Tide is Turning

The Tide is Turning

June 8, 2024 While praying this morning, I was taken into the spirit – and I began to see giant waves crashing onto rocks. I was standing further back on a beach, and these large waves that crashed onto the rocks were very loud. I turned around to see a group of about...

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The Reset Has Begun

The Reset Has Begun

May 31, 2024 This morning while praying and worshipping, I was taken into the spirit realm, and I saw clouds that were moving very quickly, and I was taken all the way back to God forming the earth. I could see darkness over the waters, and I heard His first words...

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Open Your Heart

Open Your Heart

May 30, 2024 This morning, I had a lot on my mind, so I spent some time just worshipping the Lord. As I prayed, I felt His peace flood my heart and mind – and I knew that everything would be okay. It changed my entire day, and I am so thankful for all that God does...

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June 25, 2024 Today, in the spirit, I found myself trapped in a giant holding cell or prison that was underground. There were thousands and thousands of people with me in this holding cell. There were bars above us, and I could see giant demons walking around. They...

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It’s Time to Surrender

It’s Time to Surrender

May 29, 2024 This morning, I was praying – and in the spirit, I saw a door in front of me. It seemed to be floating, but I knew I couldn’t open it. I walked closer, and there was a dark shadow sitting in front of the door. I asked if I could go through the door. The...

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The Landscape is Changing

The Landscape is Changing

May 26, 2024 This morning, in the spirit – I was standing out in a field. I could see mountains in the distance. There were dark clouds above me. It looked like a very bad storm was brewing. Around me, everything looked dead or dying. I felt hopeless and discouraged....

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Divine Intel

Divine Intel

May 19, 2024 This morning, I was worshipping the Lord, and in the spirit, I looked up and saw the face of God looking down from Heaven. His face filled up the whole sky. His eyes roamed back and forth across all of the earth. I knew everything was visible to Him....

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Stepping into the New Era

Stepping into the New Era

May 18, 2024 This morning, I was in my prayer corner and my mind kept drifting to things I’ve done in my past. I was thinking – if only I knew then what I know now. It was regret and sadness for stupid things I’ve said and done. But the Holy Spirit gently reminded me...

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The Upper Room

The Upper Room

May 17, 2024 This morning, as I was praying and worshipping – I was taken up higher into the Heavens. The light was bright all around me, and it was beautiful. I saw thousands of people praying, and there were so many angels ministering to them as they prayed. The...

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The Call of the Wild

The Call of the Wild

May 16, 2024. In the spirit, I saw a field with horses running wild and free, and it stirred my heart. It made me feel wild and free. Jesus was standing next to me, and I noticed there were many people around me, and we were all watching these horses run freely in the...

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