May 16, 2024.

In the spirit, I saw a field with horses running wild and free, and it stirred my heart. It made me feel wild and free.

Jesus was standing next to me, and I noticed there were many people around me, and we were all watching these horses run freely in the field. They were beautiful – they seemed so happy. They held their heads in such a regal way, and again I felt my heart stir as I watched.

To have such freedom in the wilderness was wonderful, and I knew the other people around me felt the same way. There was such a sense of unity and peace – and it felt right. It felt perfect – it’s exactly what my heart needed to see because deep down, I feel the same way these horses do.

I know the Lord was showing me this to help me understand how far I’ve come in my wilderness journey. It’s been a long process, but I know I’ve changed. I feel different, and I’m thankful that God has been with me through all of it.

I then heard Jesus say, “My wild and called out ones – I know many of you are wondering what’s next. You are asking questions – where do I go from here? How much longer? What is my purpose? Why am I still in the same place? When will this chaos end?

I hear you. I know this is hard. I called you to the wilderness to get you out of the vicious cycle of your enemy. I know for some it is hard to see and understand that – but I ask that you put your faith and your trust in Me.

This wilderness you are in is changing you. It is changing your heart. It is changing your focus and your purpose.

I have called you to it because there is MORE in you. I want you to see it because I see it. I want you to build your confidence, your strength. I want your wisdom to grow. I want your heart to heal.

It is here, in the wilderness, that you will leave the enemy behind, and you will overcome every single thing that the enemy has tried to destroy you with.

I have called you to the wild – for it is here that I will meet you, love you, and build a relationship with you that will change everything about you.

It is in the wild that you will learn how to be truly free. It is in the wild that you will see things you didn’t before. It is here that you will finally understand that you had to get to this place before you could let your past go.

There are so many that never make it to this place. But you – even though you knew it was going to be the hardest thing you’ve ever done – you said yes.

You said YES to the call of the wild – and because you said yes, you will be blessed more than you could ask or think. (Ephesians 3:20-21)

During your journey in the wilderness, I will teach you things that you never understood before.

We have entered into a New Era where the old way of doing things will no longer work. I am teaching you a New Thing. I am preparing you for it day by day.

You are growing. You are learning. You are doing an amazing job as you walk through the wilderness with Me. I am with you. I will never leave your side.

I know that some of you don’t understand many things that are going on around you, but you will.

Continue to seek Me with your whole heart – and when it’s time, it will all come together and make perfect sense to you – for I AM is training you, and We will guide your footsteps.

Thank you for saying YES to the call of the wild. I know sometimes you feel like the Lone Ranger – but today, I want to assure you there are many of My children just like you walking in the wilderness.

They too, are learning about the gifts I have placed deep within them.

I am with you, and you will find the treasures I have placed within you.

Keep moving forward. Keep pushing through the enemy’s tactics to distract you away from your calling. There is a purpose for all that you are going through.

Remember – I am here, and I love you. I will never leave you.

My wild and called out ones – you are My pioneers, and you are making a way where no one has gone before.

Thank you for your YES!”

Wow! When Jesus finished speaking, the people that were standing around me in the spirit began to shout and cheer. We praised Him. We thanked Him, and we were so encouraged by His words.

Are you in a wilderness season that seems like it will never end? Are you wondering what to do next? Or when it will end?

I want to encourage you today that God has a plan and a purpose for your wilderness – and you are not alone! There are many just like you that God has called to the wild, and even better than that, Jesus is with you.

Embrace your wilderness. Ask God to show you what He wants you to learn. Ask Him how you can help in the days ahead with all the changes that are coming.

Let Him know you want to be a part of what He is doing.

Let Him show you what you were created for. Commit to it. And when you come out of your wilderness, you will be a changed person.

You will experience joy, peace, love, and freedom like never before.

Welcome to the wild side!

In His love,