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Emptying Yourself

Emptying Yourself

November 1, 2023 I was praising and worshiping the Lord, and I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit – and I began to speak in tongues. I did this for a while, just waiting to see what the Lord wanted to do. I heard, “This is an emptying – an emptying of yourself.” I...

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It’s In The Details

It’s In The Details

October 24, 2023 While praying this morning, I was taken in the spirit – and I saw a home under construction. The concrete slab was already laid – and even though I don’t know much about construction, I knew this foundation was solid – stable – unmovable. The frame...

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The Giants Will Fall

The Giants Will Fall

October 14, 2023 In my prayer time this morning, the Holy Spirit took me back through time. I saw Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt – in the wilderness, on their way to their promised land. Their giant was Pharaoh – but God took care of it. He performed a...

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Rising Up

Rising Up

October 10, 2023 While praying this morning – I was taken in the spirit, and I could see the ground just below me. I watched it begin to bubble up. Huge bubbles were forming beneath the surface – forcing the ground to move upwards. Some bubbles were as large as hills,...

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Do Not Fear the Shakings

Do Not Fear the Shakings

October 4, 2023 The Lord never fails to encourage us to look to Him – to trust in His plan, for He knows all things. He sees all things – and He knows everything the enemy is planning or plotting. He is good – so good! Today, while praying and waiting on the Lord, I...

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September 26, 2023 Today, while worshipping the Lord, I heard the word “convergence.” I wrote it down and waited. The Holy Spirit said it again. I waited another moment, and He said it again. I looked up the meaning of convergence and I found a couple of definitions...

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Ears to Hear

Ears to Hear

September 19, 2023 While sitting in prayer this morning, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Do you hear it? Do you hear the sound of victory?” I listened – intently. There was only silence, but I felt something coming up from my spirit. I sat with anticipation for a few...

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We Are So Close To Victory!

We Are So Close To Victory!

September 12, 2023 I was taken in the spirit high above the earth – the Holy Spirit was with me. I knew He wanted to show me something profound – I could feel it. We descended back towards earth, and I saw the entire world mourning and wailing – deeply. I saw people...

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I Know It Well

I Know It Well

September 7, 2023 When praying today, I asked the Lord to show me what was on His heart – what He wanted to say to His children. I then found myself standing with God down in the deepest part of a giant glacier. I was amazed as I looked around me. There was natural...

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Unity – A Bond That Will Change Everything

Unity – A Bond That Will Change Everything

August 31, 2023 In my prayer time today, I was sitting and waiting on the Lord – praying and speaking in tongues. I was taken in the spirit, and I saw a flat plain in front of me. It stretched as far as my eyes could see. Suddenly, the ground began shaking, and I saw...

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