November 1, 2023
I was praising and worshiping the Lord, and I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit – and I began to speak in tongues. I did this for a while, just waiting to see what the Lord wanted to do.
I heard, “This is an emptying – an emptying of yourself.”
I knew I was to empty myself of ALL the things I was concerned about – my family, friends, finances, what is going on around the world. I went through the list in my head – making sure I was holding nothing back.
I understood what the Holy Spirit was asking – so I got quiet, and I gave ALL of it to Him. I felt the emptying deep within me.
I then saw in the spirit that I was standing at the edge of a very tall mountain. ALL that had burdened me had been tossed over the edge of this cliff.
I heard God say, “I am here.” I felt His presence. I knew He was close.
As I stood there, many thoughts began racing through my head. It was a bombardment of doubts about all the things I just threw over the cliff.
“But what about my children?” I asked.
The Lord said, “I’m taking care of it.”
“But what about my father and my brother?”
The Lord said, “I’m taking care of if.”
“But what about our finances, Lord?”
The Lord said, “It’s handled.”
“And what about…?”
“I’m already on it.” The Lord answered before I could even finish the question.
It was a moment of such clarity for me. I have been praying for ALL of these things for a long time. He knows my prayer requests deeply because He knows my heart. I have allowed some of these things to become burdens that I carry, and it has affected me for far too long.
So, I fully embraced this emptying of myself that the Lord was asking of me.
As I sat there quietly processing this – fully trusting in Him for all of it, I heard Him ask, “How do you feel?”
I thought for a moment, and my answer came easily. “Free! I feel free!”
I then noticed many other people standing with me on top of this mountain. They were there for the same reasons – to empty themselves of all their burdens and pain – so they could also be free!
So many things began to make sense to me. I knew God was showing me what is soon going to take place all around the world.
Where we are headed, we cannot take these burdens with us. They are part of our past. To move forward, we absolutely must empty ourselves of ALL the things that have been holding us down – holding us back. The enemy is very involved with keeping us in bondage – but God is showing up to set us free!
We have entered a New Era where the old has gone and the new has come!
All that is happening around the world right now is preparing us for this emptying.
As I stood there on top of that mountain, I knew there was room for everyone – not one single person will be left out. Our God is full of love for us, and He wants every single one of us to empty ourselves and move forward in Him.
Everything we are dealing with right now – everything has to do with what is coming. There will be no escape from it.
This affected me deeply. It was an understanding that I have not experience before. It was a knowing that everything is going to change – and it is good. God is good.
It was a call to every single one of us – God is going to show up in ways we will not expect, and to move forward – we must empty ourselves completely to heal – to feel – to experience life differently – to live in freedom that WE HAVE NEVER EXPERIENCED BEFORE!
It is a deep call that speaks directly to our heart – our spirit.
You will not be the same after everything is revealed – no one will. It will affect ALL of us deeply – profoundly – and we will desperately join others at the top of this mountain to empty ourselves of all the things from our past.
I felt all of this strongly in my spirit.
Thank You, Lord, for showing me this!
It is a deep call to the ones that feel this now – get ready for the changes that are coming.
We will never be the same again!
I then heard the Lord speak, “The changes that are coming will affect many generations to come. What I am about to do will sever ties from many family generational curses. I am putting a stop to the enemy’s plans.
What I am about to do will shock many and what I am about to reveal will change everything.
You will see My TRUTH, and you will know the enemy’s deception. You will see the harm he has caused. You will see how deeply he has infiltrated everything all around you. Every single part of how you live has been infiltrated by him.
That is all about to change – and when it does, there will be a release of My love that will pour out over My children – for their hearts will be broken.
Many will be devastated – and it is then that the emptying will begin.
This emptying of all the burdens and pain you have held onto will change you – DEEPLY – and My love will pour out like never before to heal those deep wounds.
You will know Me like never before. You will know My love and My peace.
Look forward to what is coming, My precious children.
Good things are coming – victory, peace, and freedom are coming.”
Thank You, Father! You are so, so good!
When I was sitting in my prayer corner, I didn’t want to get up. I didn’t want to leave His presence. I didn’t want to lose that feeling of being free. I prayed, “God, please don’t let me lose this peace, this freedom! I desperately need it!”
The Lord gently spoke to me, “All you have to do is remember it. Come back to this moment every single time you get overwhelmed, and I will be there to meet you.”
This encounter only happened a couple of days ago, and I have already had to go back to that moment several times – and each time, He was there – and I once again released all of it back to Him. God is good. He is just so, so good.
He will absolutely do the same for you.
I know things do not look good in the natural. Things are hard – life is really hard right now. But God is working, and He will turn it all around for our good.
Romans 8:18 – “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
If you are overwhelmed, confused, depressed, frustrated, or angry – go to God. Empty yourself of ALL the burdens and ALL the pain. Let Him show you how much He loves you. Experience His peace and His freedom – there is nothing like it.
We are headed to new days where things will look different. It will feel different. It will absolutely BE different. Get ready to empty yourself of all things from your past – you will not be carrying it any longer. Praise God.
In His love,