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A Storm is Coming

A Storm is Coming

March 7, 2024 In the spirit, I saw dark clouds above me – they were everywhere. This storm was unlike any storm I have ever seen before. The clouds were thick and black, and they rolled through the sky – ominous and terrifying to look at. I saw lightning coming...

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Come Up Here

Come Up Here

This encounter was special. Father God spoke what is on His heart, and it affected me deeply. When He finished speaking to me, I could feel the depth of His emotion in His desire for us to draw closer to Him. The love He has for us is absolutely all encompassing, and...

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Do You Have Faith?

Do You Have Faith?

February 21, 2024 This morning while sitting in my prayer corner, I was taken in the spirit, and I found myself standing in a forest that was on fire. There was fire and smoke all around me. Suddenly, I heard a woman’s voice crying out to the Lord, “Please help me,...

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Layers of Darkness

Layers of Darkness

February 12, 2024 Today, in the spirit – I saw what looked like giant layers of darkness fall to the earth – one after another. I could feel the heaviness of these layers. It was dense and dark – and the atmosphere felt suffocating. I watched as the first layer of...

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We Are Shifting

We Are Shifting

February 6, 2024 Today, while waiting on the Lord, I saw in the spirit Jesus standing with His arms outstretched – and there were many people looking at Him in awe and with so much love in their hearts. I could hear them weeping – some with joy at the sight of their...

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Rest in Him

Rest in Him

February 1, 2024 Today, I am struggling. I am tired. My list of things to do seems to keep growing bigger instead of smaller. Some days are just hard – and sometimes they seem to overlap one into another. I’m just being real. Yes, I’m excited for what is to come – and...

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Father of Lies

Father of Lies

January 14, 2024 While praying this morning I found myself in Heaven with Jesus. Before me I saw what looked like a long, giant water slide. I watched as a sled came down this water slide. Someone was standing up in it, and they were laughing with so much joy. As it...

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Encountering God’s Truth

Encountering God’s Truth

January 16, 2024 I want to share an encounter I recently had with the Lord. He has some powerful words He wants to share about TRUTH. This morning started with me thanking the Lord for all that I know is going to happen this year – many of the things I have been...

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What is Truth?

What is Truth?

January 13, 2024 On this morning, I began by studying a paper that was written about God’s truth. The title of this paper is Encountering Truth – A Biblical Perspective. It’s a long read – about nineteen pages, but it had some great points, and I shared some of this...

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2024 – The Year of the Open Door

2024 – The Year of the Open Door

January 9, 2024 I have heard several prophets call the year of 2024 “The Year of the Open Door.” The Hebrew year for 2024 is 5784. The Hebrew year actually started in September of 2023. I am just giving a quick summary, so you can look this up if you would like more...

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