January 5, 2023

Today was special. As I’m typing these words, I’m having a difficult time with how I want to describe what I’m feeling, because my time with the Lord today was just so special.

My father is in the hospital getting many tests run – he will be 75 tomorrow – a milestone! And I have been praying for him all week. While I was praying, my brother called to give me the wonderful news that our dad is good. They found nothing – God is good. It was more answered prayers. Hallelujah!

So, I spent my afternoon praising the Lord. Sometimes words aren’t adequate to describe the goodness of God. His love is never ending, and He finds so much joy in spending time with His children. It blesses me every single time. He is just so good and faithful.

And when I went to sit in my prayer corner, He met me there with open arms. I saw a river with tall trees. I heard birds singing all around me. As I ran to God, He enveloped me in a wonderful hug. I rested there for a while – listening to the birds. And I cried when He whispered that He loves how I praise Him.

I heard ripples in the water, and as I turned around to look – I saw Jesus standing there, and He was fishing. I said, “You fish in Heaven?”

Jesus laughed. “Yes. Why does that surprise you?”

I laughed with Him. I just didn’t expect it. But I’m always surprised at the things I experience when I’m there. It is simply amazing.

Peace. I felt so much peace while standing there. I needed it.

We talked for a few minutes about things I have been praying and standing for. Our family just lost our beautiful Golden Retriever, Bella. We miss her, and the Lord shared some things with me about her that brought so much peace and joy. She is happy, and she is no longer suffering.

They both encouraged me – and that feeling of peace is still with me – even now. I am grateful and thankful.

Then the Lord had a word for us. He said, “A deep weariness has set in among My children. I see it. I hear their desperate prayers. I know the waiting is hard. I know it is unpleasant.

I know many are ready to give up – not just their hope that good changes are coming, but also their trust and faith in Me.

I can assure you that I hear every prayer, and I have captured every tear. I am working to answer every prayer – My peace is coming.

I am dealing with many hardened hearts that have embedded themselves deeply in the enemy’s camp. I am giving them every opportunity to repent and turn away from the evil one. I want none of My children to perish.

When all is revealed, when the Day of Truth comes, there will no longer be an opportunity for repentance. The evil that abounds will be made very public, and ALL will see, and ALL will know what has been taking place. Names will be released. Justice will be served.

I am a God that forgives up to your very last breath – and I am giving ALL who have sinned a chance to repent.

For the weary ones – don’t give up. Don’t stop fighting. Keep standing. Keep praying. I need you. I have chosen you, and I can assure you My blessings will pour out from Heaven over you because of your faithfulness.

This is not a time for any of My children, My faithful ones, to back down or give up. Your weariness will turn to joy!

Your best days are ahead. It will be unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. Peace will flow in your streets. Many will fall to their knees because they will not understand what is happening.

But the ones that know Me will say, ‘Our God has delivered us! Our prayers have been answered! Our God is faithful!’

You will leave your old way of life behind and gladly walk into this New Era with Me and My Ekklesia.

I know you are weary and tired, but I want to encourage you today – don’t look to your left or your right. Don’t look behind. Only look forward – look to Me, and I will guide your every step. I will give you the strength you need each and every day.

And when the Day of Truth comes, we will celebrate together!

Do not be weary – be joyful knowing you are headed to the best days of your life.


Come to Me – I will lift all your burdens away, and you will find rest, peace, and love in Me.

I am here. I am waiting.”

I encourage you to spend time with Him. Only He can settle your heart and mind. Only He can give you the answers you are seeking. If He can do it for me, He will absolutely do it for you, too.

Do not be weary – He has promised that our best days are ahead. He needs to finish the work He started – the work we have been desperately praying for. We are almost there.

In His love,