April 10, 2024
In the spirit this morning, I saw a large group of people praying. They were deep in prayer – each one of them tuned into the heart of God.
Some were intercessors – others were praying for something specific the Lord placed on their hearts.
Every person was serious about their task. The atmosphere was full of the presence of God – He was tuned into each one of their prayers.
I knew this was God’s Ekklesia – the ones called out – the ones that choose to go deeper with the Lord. The ones that desperately want more of Him.
I watched in wonder as these prayers were lifted up to Heaven.
These prayers were special because they were so in tune with God’s heart for His children.
I then saw angels coming down from Heaven. These angels had their assignments, and they were ready to go answer the prayers of the ones praying.
Some of the angels went directly to some of the people that were praying. I watched as they got up and walked away – their angels walking right beside them. I knew these angels were going to assist them in whatever they had prayed about.
I saw many other angels go throughout the earth in answer to the many that were still praying. They were on a mission straight from the throne room of God.
I felt such joy and peace all around me. There was a feeling of unity that I had never felt before. It was amazing and wonderful.
I continued to watch as this exchange went back and forth – reaching the throne room of Heaven.
Prayers went up. Angels came down.
There were so many people praying, and I was astonished when I discovered that many were praying for the same thing – yet they did not know each other. Some of these people were in different countries – but they were so in tune with the heart of God, and they prayed TOGETHER in the spirit. It was awesome!
I heard the Lord say, “This is My EKKLESIA! They know Me, and I know them. They seek Me, and they have found Me.
I am their God – the One who created them, and I love them deeply.
My EKKLESIA continues to grow – as many are now seeking Me in a deeper way.
These are My called-out ones. I have called them out of the world, and they have answered My call.
They are unique – each one of them. Many of them are persecuted, but they are well protected – for My hand is upon them in a mighty way.
They continue to pursue Me even when the enemy attacks them over and over again. They do this because they know who they are in Me.
They know they have ALL of Heaven on their side. They know there are others just like them that are praying and seeking Me with their whole hearts.
They are bold.
They are confident.
They are courageous.
They fight for you.
They fight against your enemy.
They sacrifice much to be a part of what I am doing.
The cost is high – but they choose it anyway.
They are close to Me, and I am close to them.
They see the TRUTH, and they have been set FREE from bondage to the enemy.
They know victory is coming. They know who wins this battle of good versus evil.
They know the lies of the enemy – and even though he continues to try and sway them away from Me, they stand strong – and they cast him down.
They are My EKKLESIA – My SET APART ones!
They do not falter.
They do not give into the enemy.
They do not move from My TRUTH.
They do not tolerate the enemy or his games.
And My EKKLESIA continues to grow day by day – for many have awakened. They see and they know what the enemy is doing, and they have had enough!
This is My EKKLESIA! My CHURCH! And they will replace the ones that are currently ‘playing’ church – for I will not tolerate watered down religion, and you will soon see My wrath fall upon the ones that have sold out to the enemy.
I will no longer tolerate those that stand in the pulpit that are compromised – for they are harming the innocent ones that walk through their doors. There will be consequences to their actions.
It is My EKKLESIA, My CHOSEN ONES that I trust – that know Me deeply – that I have been training and preparing. They will be released – very soon!
To My EKKLESIA – continue to pursue Me with all of your heart. Seek Me and I will be found. Continue to pray for the ones that don’t know Me, the ones that are deceived – THEY NEED YOU!
You are a part of what I am doing, and I cherish you deeply!
My children – seek Me. Give Me full access to your heart, and I will show you just how much I love you.
Come – I invite you to be a part of this victory – for GOOD changes are coming!”
Yes! Thank You, Lord!
If the church wants to make a difference in the world, we must be different from the world. God has called us to be separate from sin.
1 Peter 1:13-16 says, “Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: ‘Be holy, because I am holy.’”
We need to embrace fellowship with other believers and be a light to the world. He has commissioned us to go and preach the gospel to all the nations around the world.
Matthew 28:19-20 says, “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
God has called us out of the world and wants us to draw close to Him.
2nd Corinthians 6:17-18 – “Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you. I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”
As God’s Ekklesia, we do not falter. We do not give into the enemy. We do not move from God’s Truth – we stand on it. And we do not tolerate the enemy or any of his games.
We know who we are in Christ. We know the power and authority we have because of Jesus – and how He died for our sins.
We know how much it has already cost us, and we know it will continue to cost us – but we forge ahead anyway – because there is no greater love than Jesus and our Father – our Creator.
We consider ourselves blessed, grateful, and thankful to be a part of God’s Ekklesia – His called-out ones. And we will continue to seek Him in the secret place. We will continue to pray in the spirit realm with others all around the world that are tuned into the heart of God.
And we will continue to decree verdicts based on God’s Word and we will rejoice when He sends His angels on our behalf to perform what we have prayed for!
We are God’s Ekklesia – called out from the world to draw His children closer to Him so they may encounter His love.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7)
In His love,