April 2, 2024

This morning, I was invited to Heaven, and Jesus met me there. I immediately hugged Him, and He asked me what I wanted to see. I told Him to surprise me, and He did!

He took me to the top of a hill that overlooked a valley that was completely full of different flowers in full bloom. There were rows and rows of them – with so many different colors. It was beautiful and breathtaking.

We talked about things going on in my life – some concerns I had, and He reminded me to have faith and trust in Him because He already knows the outcome. He gently reminded me that my prayers will be answered because it is “on earth as it is in Heaven” (Matthew 6:10).

He also reminded me how important it is to pray because He hears our prayers. Thank You, Jesus, for that wonderful reminder.

We sat in the grass overlooking the beautiful flowers in the valley below, and I knew He had a word for us today.

Jesus said, “Wonderful, peace-filled days are just ahead. The turmoil, the chaos, the unrest will come to an end. The shaking will eventually stop.

Once every evil thing is shaken loose from what it has a hold of – what it is tethered to, then we advance. We move forward in victory.

I have commissioned many of My children to teach, to share, to love, to gather together with and for the ones that are deceived.

They are like sheep without a shepherd.”

Matthew 9:36-37 – “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.’”

“They are confused, scared, angry, hurt, fearful, and frustrated. The ones that are deceived are looking to blame all the wrong people and things.

They are asleep – and soon they will be jolted awake.

For the ones that I have commissioned – they are well prepared to help the ones that are struggling and deceived. They know My Father’s heart. They have sought Him in the secret place; they have ascended higher, and they are prepared to help the lost.

This commissioning came with a cost. These were ones that gave up much to learn the things We have taught them. They have been through the refiner’s fire – they have suffered deep wounds, but they gave all of themselves anyway.

They know Us intimately. They know the road ahead is going to be rough. Many have experienced persecution – but they forge ahead. Nothing will stop them from the journey that is before them.

For the ones that have not yet come to know Me – when you encounter My commissioned ones, you will encounter Me – for I am in them, and they are in Me.

Get ready to encounter My Great Commissioned ones – you will soon see and know these chosen ones, for I have been preparing them for this time.

I have commanded them to ‘go and make disciples of all nations – baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit – and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded them. I am with them always – to the very end of the age’ (Matthew 28:19-20).

What is coming is TRUTH, PEACE, REST, CHANGE, JUSTICE, and the GREAT COMMISSION – for I have been preparing My remnant for such a time as this!”

I am super excited about that! What will it be like to see justice served to the ones that mean to harm us? What will it feel like to know the truth? To experience peace and rest? And He has also promised us that big changes are coming – what will that be like?

I can’t wait to find out!

The Great Commission means we are called to go and preach the gospel – to make disciples of all nations. We are called to teach them about Jesus. And He says He will be with us always!

His love for us is so great, so powerful, and so wonderful – and it changes us from the inside out. Once you have an encounter with Jesus, you will never be the same again.

When I think about this encounter I had with Jesus – it takes me back to that moment when we were sitting on that hill overlooking the beautiful flowers. He made me laugh, He joked with me. He asked me questions – things that were on my heart, and He helped me sort through them in such a wonderful way. Everything just makes so much sense after talking to Him. I remember not wanting to leave Him – but He knew I had a full schedule that day, so He encouraged me to go and have a wonderful day!

After encountering a love that is so deep and wonderful, how could I not go and share how wonderful Jesus is? How could I not go and tell others about Him?

We are commissioned to serve our Lord – the one that died for every single one of us – because He loves you, no matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done – He loves you.

Good changes are coming!

In His love,