January 4, 2024

While praying this morning, I knew the Lord had a word He wanted me to share about change. It has been heavy on my heart for the past week, so I sat and waited for Him to share His heart.

In the spirit, I saw a large dam burst and raging waters came rushing through the surrounding area. This water was unstoppable. It came bearing down fast and furiously.

It didn’t stop or slow down – it continued forcefully through trees, houses, and even buildings. It took down everything in its path – completely changing the landscape as it came crashing through.

I watched as this went on for some time. Eventually the water stopped – but the devastation was immense. Everything looked different. The aftermath of this dam bursting was life altering. Nothing was the same as it was before.

I felt the presence of the Lord surround me, and I knew before I even asked Him why He was showing this to me – I knew He was showing me that change is coming, and it will be unstoppable.

It will be devastating. It will be life changing, and nothing will be as it was before. But I also knew this was the beginning of our victory.

The Lord said, “Change is coming. The ones that know Me intimately will not be surprised.

The ones that do not know Me will be shocked.

The pressure behind the dam is building, and the dam will burst suddenly.

When this dam bursts – you will finally know the TRUTH – all of it.

It will all come out – and as the raging waters come bursting through, it will seem chaotic for a time – but I will be there to calm the raging waters.

As the water recedes, you will see that your landscape has changed. Everything you knew before – how you lived, how you worked, how you raised your family – your economy, education system, government, and so much more – it will look different. It will be different.

Many will be devastated as the TRUTH comes out – but many others will rejoice for they have been praying for this moment for a long time.

I am decommissioning and dismantling the enemy’s evil empire – and I am doing it like I never have before.

You will see, you will hear, and you will know all that he has been doing for centuries to try and destroy you – My children.

I will expose him to you, and you will see the devil for who he really is – and you will know that I am the One doing this.

You have been praying for exposure – for TRUTH – and I am bringing these things to you like never before.

Change is coming. Exposure is coming. And TRUTH is coming.

As difficult as this process will be, it is necessary for you to go through it so you will know who your true enemy is.

There are lies on top of lies that will come out. These lies are layered so deeply – they are compacted so much, and it has affected you for far too long. I am coming to change that.

The changes that are coming will change everything you ever knew – but once it happens – once the raging waters recede and you know the TRUTH – then you will rejoice!

For My TRUTH will set you free.

You will rejoice for I am bringing VICTORY to you!

You have asked – you have prayed – you continue to stand and have faith – and I see every single one of you.

I am proud of your strength!
I am proud of your stamina!
I am proud of your determination!
I am proud that you continue to fight without giving up!
I am so proud of you – My children, and I love you so much!
Yes – change is coming – and it will result in your enemy being defeated once again.

And the TRUTH will set you FREE!”

John 8:32 – “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

What an amazing God we serve. His wisdom is beyond our understanding. He is so full of love for each one of us.

And I am so thankful for all that He is doing for us right now.

Today, I want to encourage you that as long as you know the Lord, He will protect you when these changes come forth. When that dam breaks and when we suddenly experience the rushing water of lies that will come pouring out – don’t fear any of it.

Instead, be thankful that the enemy has been exposed. Be thankful to God for getting us back on track. And look forward to the good things that are coming.

These changes will usher in many souls that will come to know Jesus – and that is something to celebrate!

And once we finally know everything, then we can begin to rebuild all that the enemy destroyed. God’s church will begin to prepare for the return of Jesus – for He will not come back for His bride until we are well and whole.

Isaiah 61:4 – “They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations.”

Revelation 19:7 says, “Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.”

Change is coming – and it will flood in suddenly. The Lord has been preparing us for it for many years, and He has told us repeatedly through His prophets that we are not to fear what is coming.

What we have been praying for is almost here. The Day of Truth is almost here, and I will rejoice and celebrate with the Lord and all of His angels when the Lord’s victory over the enemy is complete!

It’s time to get excited because God has an amazing plan for you and your family in the days ahead. And I am so ready for it!

In His love,