December 17, 2023

Welcome to 2024! It should be an exciting year for God’s children. Amen!

The only way of life we have ever known is the current worldly system that was established way before any of us were ever born.

This worldly system is not the way God wants us to do things – and we will begin to see and understand this more in the coming months.

I received this word from the Lord on December 17, 2023.

He said, “What is going to take place in the coming year will not make sense to a lot of people.

The chaos that constantly ensues around them is familiar. It’s all that many of My children have ever known.

This chaos is a demonic principality that causes massive destruction and inflicts so much heartache and pain to the ones that are a part of it.

I am coming to silence the chaos. I will destroy this principality and all that are a part of it.

Tolerance is why this principality has become a giant among you.

You have allowed it to come in and grow. It started out small, but instead of taking authority over it – you have tolerated it – hoping someone else would deal with it. And it has grown to be a giant that is consuming you.

The changes that are coming that I have told many of My prophets about will eradicate this mindset from among you.

Chaos must never be tolerated at any level. You are to put it down every time it shows up.

In the coming year, chaos will be replaced with peace.

I will tear down many things that are familiar to you – it is for your good that I do these things.

Tolerance for evil must be dealt with – and I will continue to expose this evil until all of it has been revealed.

I ask you not to place your focus on the evil going on around you – but instead place your focus on Me.

For I am working to heal your hearts and minds. The more you focus on Me, the less control the enemy has over you.

The way that I would have you do things will become evident very soon. It will begin to make more sense in the days ahead.

So many of you are confused about the very real division in your government – this is all part of the enemy’s plan.

Division is not from Me – and I am bringing unity and peace to My children.

As these changes come, I ask that you trust in Me. It will not be pleasant in the beginning, but I assure you, it is necessary. And the result from all of this will be answers to the many prayers that I have heard from you – My children.

You are so used to bad news – the fear you are experiencing is because of your enemy. He seeks to destroy you with this fear.

I am here to bring you good news – you will not have to live this way much longer. I am bringing peace and good tidings.

You will begin to see and hear more and more of My children fighting back. These things will be seen – even though the enemy will try to hide them from you.

I have placed supernatural strength and wisdom in some that will continue to grow in numbers – and as you see and hear about these events, know I am the One doing these things.

I am exposing what the enemy is doing. As I am doing this – you will feel a supernatural shift – for I have told you before there are more of you than there are of the enemy, and you will start to see and understand this more fully.

This shift will become an avalanche – and it will be unstoppable.

This, My children, is what you have to look forward to this year.

It is the beginning of the many things I have promised. It is the beginning of your victory.

The enemy will fall – one after the other – just like dominoes, and you will finally be released from the chains that have kept you in bondage. And you will know freedom like never before.

Keep your eyes and ears focused on Me. I will guide you and protect you through the thick cloud of chaos around you – and I will bring you out of the world’s system and into FREEDOM!”

2nd Corinthians 6:17-18:

“Therefore, ‘Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I’ll receive you. And I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.’”

Yes! Thank You, Lord!

This is what we have been waiting for! He is going to bring us out of the world’s system and set things right. He has already been preparing many people for the new changes that are coming. This will continue to grow in the new year. Praise God!

I can’t think of a better way to start out this new year!

We will see more and more people standing up to the enemy – for we the people have had enough!

I am so encouraged and excited about what God is doing. How about you?

He is our Champion, our Creator, our God, our Protector, our Father – and He is good!

In His love,