July 31, 2023
Today, while spending time waiting on the Lord, I kept thinking about what we have endured for the past few years – the pandemic in particular.
Fear, death, doom, and gloom. It changed us – all of us. Anxiety, depression, loneliness, and propaganda are at an all-time high.
It changed our society – the way we think, the way we act, the way we behave – it’s different.
And it’s heartbreaking because it’s the opposite of freedom. It’s the opposite of how God meant for us to live; how He meant for us to be…
As these thoughts kept coming, I felt my spirit lift up to Heaven – and I heard Jesus before I saw Him.
He said, “The enemy has many more evil plans already in place to destroy My children. He was thrilled with how effective his last plan was – even though it was not completely fulfilled because of My remnant – who saw through his wicked plan, and they fought – rightfully so!
His plan was not completely successful; however, a lot of damage was done – BUT I will turn around what he meant for harm into good!”
Romans 8:28 – “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”
In Heaven, I saw Jesus standing in front of me. There were trees all around, and He was standing in an open area. I walked over to Him, and He smiled at me. I looked in front of me, and there was a beautiful valley below us. It was beautiful and so peaceful.
I knew He had more He wanted to say, so I waited for a moment.
He continued. “My children have been awakened – and many are still awakening to the atrocities that are going on all around the earth.
Your enemy has more harm planned – he wants only to destroy you and all that you love.
But I know his plans. I know where he hides. I see, and I hear ALL that he is doing – and because My remnant is fighting, praying, and seeking My guidance, I will put a stop to his evil, wicked plans.
Hope is on the horizon. Look to Me for answers. Seek Me and My Father – for we will destroy the wicked one.
His plans of another virus attack will be stopped. His plans to continue to fill the air with fear and propaganda will be stopped. His plans to harm My little children – they, too, will be stopped. And anyone involved in his wickedness will be punished eternally.
For I will not stop until every one of them has been hunted down to the deepest, darkest places on the earth. There is nowhere they can hide – for even the earth will give up the wicked that think they can escape My wrath.
They think they are coming for you and your children – but I assure you they are the ones being hunted. And I will not stop until every last one of them has been taken down.
DO NOT FEAR – but trust in Me and My plan – for We will have victory over every evil thing the enemy has planned.
Hope is on the horizon. I am coming – help is on the way!” I felt this deep in My spirit. It is a deep knowing that He is coming to deliver us in ways that will shake the entire world. Nothing will be the same after all has been revealed.
He continued, “You will taste and see that the Lord, your God, is good.”
Psalm 34:8 says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.”
Jesus said, “For the ones that are struggling to understand what is going on right now, I say to you:
Hold on a little longer. The ride is going to get a little bumpy, but victory is coming! Joy is coming!
Hope is on the horizon – it won’t be much longer now, and all will be revealed. All I ask is that you put your trust and faith in Me. And rejoice!
Victory and freedom are close!”
If I could explain to you the peace I felt while standing there with Jesus; if I could explain to you the love and sincerity on His face when He was speaking – I absolutely would. But words are not adequate enough to explain my experience. He was so calm, so full of love, so confident and strong. It just is – everything we are experiencing now – God already knows the end result. He has already seen it. It’s why Jesus is so full of love and peace – so confident. It’s because He knows we already have the victory.
If there is one thing I can assure you of today – it is we need not fear our future. God has every single detail worked out – He already knows it. He is not worried about anything. He is not fearful – no, He is full of love, joy, and peace. He knows all of our tomorrows – and He is excited – not fearful! He is confident – because He knows the enemy loses.
We are His children – and He wants us to trust in Him – because He already knows how all of this ends – and we do not lose.
In His love,