March 30, 2023

What a mighty God we serve!

I received a powerful word from the Lord this evening that will encourage and strengthen you! As I was praying and worshipping – I heard in the Spirit – “They are treading water.”

I knew the Holy Spirit was talking about the enemy.

The definition of treading water is – “maintain an upright position in deep water by moving the feet with a walking movement and the hands with a downward circular motion. Also, fail to advance or make progress.”

The Lord said, “They are treading water, and many of them are exhausted. They are looking for help, and they cannot find it – no matter which way they turn.

Some of them will give up and sink to the bottom; some will make more secret deals and pacts with the enemy – but it will not save them.

For I am about to pull the plug – and right now, they are treading in murky, swamp water that is all around them. This swamp water only covers them – it doesn’t protect them. But once I pull the plug – the murky, swamp water will drain, and they will have no covering. They will be exposed for all to see their treachery.

The days of the swamp and all the filth in it are coming to an end.

For those that have ears to hear – listen to what I am saying:

I am the Lord your God, who was, and is, and is to come! (Revelation 4:11) This day is fast approaching, and you will not be able to escape My wrath!

Repent now – for the day is coming that you will no longer have the chance.

Remember when My servant, Moses, parted the Red Sea and Pharaoh came to pursue My protected ones (the Israelites), and I suddenly destroyed his army? Do you not think that I will do this again?

Do you think you can continue to partner with the enemy and get away with causing harm to My children? I laugh at your plans and your schemes!

Repent before it’s too late! I am a merciful God – but YOUR TIME is slipping away!

Choose this day whom you will serve! (Joshua 24:15) For if you choose to serve the serpent – you, too, will be destroyed!

For the ones that have been praying faithfully and holding the line – your best days are ahead. You will see My hand move mightily – you will watch and see the enemy be exposed and destroyed.

You will write these events down in your history books. It will be unlike anything you have ever seen or experienced before – but there will be no doubt that I, the Lord your God, delivered you from the enemy that tried to destroy you.


Hold on tight – and watch the storm unfold before your eyes, for I am coming!

My Remnant – My Ecclesia – you are My arrows that I have tenderly and lovingly prepared for this moment. I am about to release you from MY bow – and you will hit the mark.

You are My world changers! ARE YOU READY?”

Yes, yes, yes! We are so ready, Lord! We are so ready to see the enemy exposed and destroyed! Father – we trust you, and we are your willing servants – ready to hit our mark.

Don’t lose hope! I am so encouraged by many other prophets that are seeing and hearing what God is about to do. He has been preparing for this moment for a long time. His glory will NOT be denied!

In His love,