March 13, 2023

Holy, holy, holy! That is what I felt when praying this morning. God is holy, holy, holy – He is worthy to be praised.

I waited on the Lord – praying and worshipping, and I saw an open road before me. There were so many people walking on this open road. They were quiet as they walked. I could sense their trepidation. They were joyless.

Definition of trepidation – “a feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen.”

It was heart-wrenching to watch as they took step after step. It was as if they had given up – they had no more hope.

I then saw a narrow road off to the right. It was a well-lit road. Occasionally, I saw someone step onto the narrow road – not one person looked back as they stepped onto the narrow road. I could see the peace and joy on their face. I could hear the laughter as they moved forward – skipping, running, and jumping with excitement.

I wanted to shout to the people on the big, open road, “TAKE THE NARROW ROAD! You will be blessed!” But I knew no one would be able to hear me.

I watched as the Heavens above opened and beautiful light swept over all the earth. It wasn’t sunlight – I knew it was the holiness of God and His glory bringing in this magnificent light. Wonderful, Holy, Worthy is our Father God!

I was then swept up on the back of an eagle with Jesus. He took me high up into the clouds of glory.

He said, “Do you see how many there are?”

He was referring to the many people on the open road. As I looked down, I could see the wide, open road – and it looked like it had no beginning and no end. There were so many people – as far as my eyes could see. These people continued to walk quietly on this open road.

I said, “Yes, too many.” It never should have been this way.

The Lord said, “The narrow road is the path for My children. It is the way to Me. It is the way to VICTORY!

So many choose the wide, open road full of traps the enemy has set for My cherished ones. The open road seems enticing until the trap snaps around you – holding you in bondage to the enemy. What seems to be the ‘easy way, the better way,’ is a lie the enemy portrays to draw you in. It is why you are suffering the way you are.

My children – take the narrow road! There are no traps – there you will find peace, freedom, joy, and so much more that I have for you. My blessings will pour over you, and I will rejoice with you!

For too long, the enemy has controlled My children. They are like sheep being led to slaughter.

But the deceiver is about to witness the Mighty power of God. There is NOTHING he can do to stop it.

The glory of My Father is coming – the ones below will know their Creator is coming to rescue them from the evil, wicked enemy of their soul.”

Suddenly, I saw God sitting on His throne, and the ones below fell to the ground – worshipping God. It was a sight to behold from up high.

For the ones that took the narrow path – I saw and heard them rejoicing – praising and worshipping as they witnessed the people on the open road begin to worship God. (I am crying while writing this – my heart is so full of joy, for we have been praying for this for so long!) God will answer our prayers!

The Lord said, “Rejoice! For we have victory over the evil one!” I knew in my spirit that it is already done – we are just waiting to see it done in the natural.

“Every plan the enemy had to destroy what I have created has been thwarted by the armies of God and His Ecclesia.”

Definition of thwarted – “prevent someone from accomplishing something.”

“Continue to fight, and you will have the victory. You will celebrate in the streets. You will suddenly know WHY the battle has been so fierce.

You will no longer wonder what is happening – for all will be revealed. Do not doubt! Do not fear!

There is nothing too hard for Me. Have I not delivered My children from the destruction of the enemy before?

Have I not come to destroy the plans of the enemy before?

Tell My children their day of deliverance – it is coming quickly.

Your prayers have brought Us so much joy. Get ready to see them answered in a Mighty way – for My glory will be poured out over all the earth – and nothing can stop it.

You will have victory over all seven mountains.”

The seven mountains the Lord is referring to are: media, government, education, economy, family, religion, and arts and entertainment. We have let the enemy rule and reign on all seven of these mountains for far too long.

The Lord said, “You will taste and see that the Lord is good.”

Psalms 34:8, “O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusts in Him.”

He continues, “I have said the old ways are gone. Get ready to walk into the best days of your life, Get ready to celebrate like never before. Get ready to see what I am capable of. The enemy and all his wicked schemes are coming down!

And know this – the enemy’s traps and snares will come back on him one seven-fold. I will use his own traps to trap him in his wicked schemes!

Do you not sense the battle? Do you not feel My Spirit working all around you?

I am all around you – and together, we will have victory over the enemy of your soul!

Choose this day whom you will serve, for I am the Lord, your God! And you will know Me by the Mighty things you will soon witness in the natural!”

Joshua 24:15 – “But if you refuse to serve the Lord, then choose today whom you will serve. Would you prefer the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates? Or will it be the gods of the Amorites in whose land you now live? But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.”

“Get ready! Stand strong! Keep praying! For I am coming, and you will be a witness to My glory.

I am YHWH – your Deliverer!”

I thanked the Lord over and over for what He showed me. When I was standing back on the ground – Jesus said, “Tell them, daughter of God. Tell them their best days are ahead.”

I responded, “Yes, Jesus – I will tell them.” My vision ended.

The more time I spend with the Lord, the more I understand the amazing love He has for us. It is powerful, beautiful, and eternal. Our God is worthy to be praised.

Romans 8:28 – “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

If you are reading this, God has a purpose for you because He loves you – and God is calling you higher. Answer His call and have faith and trust that He will guide you!

The enemy would have you believe that the world is going to get worse, but Jesus said, “Our best days are ahead.” God has a plan, and we will have victory over the enemy.

In His love,