November 3, 2022
I had a wonderful encounter with the Lord this evening after a very long week of battling so many different things in the natural. The enemy is relentless in trying to take God’s children down, but I’m a fighter – and I choose to take a stand against the enemy of my soul.
So, after I rebuked, revoked, and renounced all the enemy has been trying to do, I felt so much better, and I worshipped while singing and dancing with the Lord. Thank You, Father, for meeting me when I needed you!
After spending much needed time with Him, the Lord spoke a powerful word that He wants me to share.
He said, “Do not dwell on the things in the natural – for they are going away. Instead, focus on Me – for I am about to flip your way of life completely upside down.
There are things coming your way that you never thought would be possible. There are things coming your way that have never been heard of before. But they are coming – and many will rejoice as these things come bursting forth.
These things have been held back by Me – for this time and this remnant.
New ideas – new inventions – wondrous things coming from small children and even people that think they are too old to pioneer something so powerful and new – BUT it’s coming!
I’ve held these things back because the enemy would use them for harm. He would try to steal it from My children.
As the new year comes – as I continue to reveal all the enemy has been doing – as My people AWAKEN to this evil era – AND after the enemy is taken down – I will release these new things into the hearts and minds of My children.
You will see an EXPLOSION of creativity come forth, and it will be hard to keep up with all the new inventions that are coming.
It won’t be much longer, and everything will change.
Hang on a little longer – the battle is heating up in the Spirit Realm – the enemy WILL LOSE!
When the time is right – everything will be revealed. It will be MIND-BLOWING! But this will last only a short time – and you will finally know – you will finally understand why the battle has been so fierce.
You will finally know why everything seems to be so difficult and chaotic.
My peace is coming. My change is coming. It has been ordained long ago for this time – for this people – for this remnant.
Every single one of you were chosen to be in THIS fight.
Focus on ME, and I will guide you into this NEW ERA – full of so many changes – and so much joy!”
Our God never ceases to amaze me! What an honor to be chosen for this time – one of the biggest spiritual battles ever to be fought.
YOU WERE CHOSEN by your Creator for THIS fight.
Our God will deliver us from this evil era, so get ready for big changes – new ideas, new inventions, and so much more. We are in this together! Praise God!
In His love,