September 27, 2022

I sat and waited on God, and it took me longer than it usually does to just let all of the “stuff” that weighs a person down, go. And during this much needed time with the Holy Spirit, I could hear Him encouraging me to just let it all go. I had taken on new burdens that were not mine, and the minute I realized they weren’t mine – I released them back to the Lord, and I felt the heaviness lift off of me. It was so freeing! Thank You, Father for loving me through all the junk!

Then I was able to focus on God because I knew He had a word for all of us.

I heard Him speak, “I know many of My children are questioning what is going on, and they are wondering why I haven’t stepped in and put a stop to what is happening. What I am orchestrating is a deep and thorough cleansing – and what many of My children don’t know is the enemy’s destructive plans began many, many years ago. I am taking the time needed to dig down deep – to get to the very root of the problem.

I know to many it seems like I will be too late – that too much destruction will be done, but I say My deliverance will come right on time. It will not be too late.

There are many things that I am working on, and I will show all of it to you very soon. There are many layers to My plan – many things need to be accomplished to completely destroy what the enemy has planned – it will be the greatest uncovering in the history of earth.

The Awakening of My people is upon you. This Awakening will be your tipping point – it will push you into freedom.

Pray for the ones that need to Awaken – pray for unity, and in the days ahead, you will see My glory come in and annihilate all that the enemy meant for harm.

My angels are with you – surrounding you – protecting you – and the enemy knows his days are short.

You will see many in the enemy’s camp begin to panic. It will be a sight to see – so keep watch. They will continue to turn on each other. And in the meantime, My plans continue to move forward.

I meant what I have said through many of My prophets – the enemy’s days are numbered, and I am coming to destroy all that he planned for harm. With one swipe of My hand, I will destroy him.

I have not forsaken you – My children – you will soon understand why I have delayed your deliverance.

I will restore all that you have lost. I have told you before that you will be shocked when you discover all that has been done to you and all that has been kept from you.

This is coming – this knowledge is coming – sooner than you think.

I want to encourage you today. Change is coming that will redirect all that you thought you knew. Joy is coming. Peace is coming. My blessings are coming – expect it.

Awaken, My children. Trust in Me and watch as you will not be able to deny that I, the Lord God, have come to deliver you from evil, and watch as I direct you into a New Era.

Your world will never be the same again after I show you what has been done to you. You will finally understand what has been happening.

Joy is coming and all of Heaven is celebrating with you.

Awaken – the days ahead will be full of joy and celebration.

It is upon you, and I am here – I have always been right here.”

Thank You, Father! His words are so encouraging. These next few months will be interesting and exciting. Keep praying, keep fighting, keep standing – we are almost there! We serve an awesome and mighty God – Amen!

Rejoice! Peace and joy are coming.

In His love,