August 10, 2022
I sat in my prayer corner, praying and worshipping the Lord. As I was sitting there, I closed my eyes and immediately saw a large, long room, and there were many sick people laying in beds. The room stretched as far as my eyes could see.
What was impressed upon me was how many people were in these beds – all of them were sick with some type of disease. My spirit was troubled because I wanted to help them, but I didn’t know what to do.
I heard the Holy Spirit say, “So many are sick because they are deceived. It should not be this way. I want My children to be healthy and full of life.
They don’t understand because they don’t know what has been happening for far too many years.
The enemy’s plan is to kill, steal, and destroy My children. But I am putting a stop to his evil plans.
In the days ahead, I will reveal his plans, his deception, his plot to kill as many as he can. I am coming to heal My children.
So many things will change. So many lies will be revealed.
Your way of life will be halted because I am coming to uproot – yes, tear up the roots that the enemy has planted deep within the earth. I will rip them all up and burn them to ashes.
New things will sprout up all around the earth. I have been preparing My Ekklesia for a long time for this very important event.
But do not fear because after the enemy’s plans have been fully revealed, JOY will come in like a flood and sweep over the entire earth.
It won’t be long, and I will heal My children. I will heal your land.
Celebration is coming…
Freedom is coming…
Joy is coming…
I am coming to deliver all of My children from the evil one.”
For the past several weeks, the Lord has been repeating several things. “Do not fear. Joy is coming. Change is coming. Deliverance is coming. My children are deceived. It won’t be long.”
He is consistent in telling us that change is coming, and we must not fear any of it. We simply must trust and have faith in our Father. We are so blessed to be a part of what is about to take place here on earth. God loves us, and He doesn’t want us to worry in the days ahead. The best way to overcome your uncertainty or fears is to just sit and talk with Him. His peace and love will pour over you and calm any fears or concerns you may have.
And also – BE THANKFUL! Our God is coming to shut down the enemy’s evil plans. Good changes are coming. Amen!
In His love,