July 9, 2022
I received this word from the Lord this past weekend while attending the Warrior House Ministries Intercessors Conference in Chicago, IL. I am still processing the many wonderful, glorious things that God did at this conference. So many breakthroughs came as God’s glory filled each one of our hearts!
“My precious Ecclesia. I am delighted with you! You are My delights, and your worship brings Me joy!
My joy will be your strength in the days ahead. My joy; My peace; My love; My glory will deliver you from the enemy.
Some of you will experience things that you have never experienced before. Don’t push it away. Receive it! It is My gift to you.
I am releasing My Ecclesia – My hidden treasures – the ones that seek My face. New things are coming – the old ways are going away.
Continue to seek My face. My revelation will be released. I will bring you to new heights. I will bring your prodigals home. I will heal the sick. I will break the addictions. I will set the oppressed free.
My glory is coming. Everyone will know that I, the Lord God, am here to set the captives free.
I will not be denied.
Partner with Me – partner with all of Heaven! Receive your deliverance. Receive your blessings this day, for I, the Lord God, have heard you.
I have heard your prayers. I see your tears, and I know your fears.
No longer! No longer will you have to listen to the enemies lies that are being spewed all around the world.
A time is coming where the enemy will be revealed – very soon – I will shut him down!
When this Day of Truth comes, I will need you – My Ecclesia! I will need your voices, your love, your compassion, your wisdom, and your gifts.
Today – I thank you My beloved children. I thank you for your YES! I thank you for your prayers, your loyalty, your devotion, your love!
I love you.
My glory! My love! It’s coming!
Are you ready?”
Yes, Father! We are ready! We welcome You, and we thank You for answering our prayers and guiding us through these horrendous times. Amen!