Revelation is a term that many of us are desperate for right now. We want to know what is going on around us. We want answers to the many questions we have. As I was praying a few days ago, Jesus had something to say on this subject:

April 4, 2022

“My children want revelation, but they don’t know how to come to Me and get it. They have a lack of knowledge. My heart’s desire is to give them knowledge and revelation. I want them to partake of the fountain of knowledge that is constantly flowing.

I will not deny them access, but they must ask Me; they must pursue Me; they must know Me.”

I kept hearing in the Spirit, “Lack of knowledge! Lack of knowledge!” We die because of lack of knowledge. It is important for us to pursue God so we will not lack knowledge.

Jesus continued, “For those that know Me, come! I invite you to come, for there are many things I wish to share with you. You are not too old. You are not too young. Don’t worry about all the reasons why you think you can’t – just come and let Me show you what you are capable of.

Let me show you what I created you to do. Don’t let your fears or lack of knowledge stop you. Come and drink from My fountain. Let Me show you how to be free; how to fly!”

I could see and hear a large fountain in the Spirit realm. Beyond the fountain, Jesus was standing with His arms open wide, welcoming, waiting for us to respond to His invitation to come. He was smiling, and I could see the love in His eyes.

I then saw many people moving towards Him – some running, some walking. I could hear His
laughter. He was so filled with joy at the response to His invitation.
Jesus said, “It is time. It is time for you to lay your burdens down and come and rest. Let Me fill you, guide you, and instruct you. I’ve been waiting. Yes, it is time to be free again.”

All the people surrounded Jesus, and He spoke and ministered to every single one of them. Not one was left out – and they were all filled with joy because of the revelation and knowledge Jesus released over them.

Hallelujah! Thank You, Jesus for loving us the way You do.

Lack of knowledge is not what our Father wants. He wants us to KNOW Him, and He will then reveal things to us on how to live in good health, good relationships, and He will reveal why things seem so dark in our world today. Seek Him for revelation.

Hosea 4:6 – “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”

In His love,

#StandingonFaithTogether #Knowledgeiskey #Revelation #Intimacy