I received this word last night in reference to 2.22.2022. It hit me that God is not playing around. There are so many things going on around the world that are not good. It is time for us to wake up and understand that we have to stand up to the enemy. It is time for us to come out of hiding and roar! Amen.
As I was praising and worshipping last night, I heard God speak…
“The Lion of Judah is roaring. The dark secrets are being revealed. The enemy lost this battle, and he is devastated because he thought he was going to win. I, the Lord God, put a stop to it. Hear the Lion – hear Him roar. He is devouring the enemy right now.
Ding dong…the witch is dead. She tried to throw in her hat, and I have put a stop to it also.
The darkness is being overcome by My light. Freedom will win. My TRUTH will reign. My words are true this day and forever.
Do not fear – do not fear what you see. Do not fear what you hear. They are lies, and they are meant to harm you, but I have redeemed you, and you will know the truth. For it is written, Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God’ (Matt. 4:4). The ones that have spewed lies and caused this great divide – their justice is coming, and it will be swift.
I have come to show you that you have been tricked! Deceived! Controlled! But I will no longer allow these atrocities. My anger has no bounds for the ones that have hurt and deceived My children. My strength and might are coming to bring peace, truth, knowledge, love, and freedom. Get ready because my wrath is coming to annihilate the ones that are against Me!
The uncovering is here. The truth is here. I will reveal all the hidden things (Daniel 2:22). I have come to set you free. My glory is here – take part, and know My love has no boundary for you. You will be free. You will experience joy because I am here, and I love you.
Do not fear. Do not fear. Do not fear for I am here.
Trust in Me, and you will be set free.
Know My heart, and you will no longer be set apart.
Stand strong during the awakening…
It won’t be long, and I will put an end to all the shaking.
My glory is here. My deliverance is here, and it is time for you to come out of hiding. The enemy has lost, and victory is here! Joy is here! You no longer have to be afraid because I am here, and I will restore every single thing you have lost because of the enemy.
I, the Lord God say, ‘Get ready! Ding dong – the witch is dead; the evil one is defeated. Watch them topple over in disgrace to the ground. They will be devoured and destroyed. They are finished.
Don’t give up! These things are being manifested here on earth as they are in Heaven. You have not seen all of it in the natural yet, but you will. Hang on and do not fear because I am here, and I am taking care of all the details.
Your answered prayers are coming. Start claiming “FREEDOM” now because it is here.
Do not fear, for I am with you. I love you.”
THANK YOU, FATHER! Thank You for Your encouraging words! Thank You for showing us we do not lose this fight. We are celebrating with you, Lord. Joy! Freedom! Victory!
#ROAR #Freedom #Unity #StandingOnFaithTogether #Victoryiscoming #comeoutofhiding