I came to sit, pray, and wait in the early morning hours February 16, and as I was praying, I saw a vision in front of me.
The first thing I saw was a large beast with a long snout and a long tail. He was large. His tail writhed back and forth, he roared loudly. He wasn’t a pretty creature. I knew this creature to be Leviathan. He is here, and he means business.
I then saw an angel of the Lord cut off his head, but his body and his tail continued to shake and slither violently back and forth. The beast was angry, and it didn’t want to go down. But the angel had the power of God, and he put the beast down with another blow. Another sign that we will not lose this battle.
I then saw dark clouds over every country all around the world. It was ominous and eerie. I saw the world as a whole, with black clouds covering it, but God wanted me to understand that the darkness is over every single country around the world. I sat stunned as I could see these dark clouds swirling – I knew there was evil in those clouds. But then I saw lights popping up all through the darkness – it was God’s light – His angels. We are not alone in this fight. The light will overtake the darkness very soon.
Holy Spirit revealed to me we are in for a period of darkness – but God showed me He is with us. We must not fear because He is with us. He is in the midst of this darkness, and He – We will not lose this battle.
I saw violence – riots – burning buildings – people running and screaming in the streets. I kept hearing, “Do not fear.”
I then heard God speak, “This is why it is important to listen for My voice. My light will break through the darkness. My voice will tell you what to do. Listen. You are Mine, and you are protected. These things must take place for freedom to reign. Victory is coming.”
“For those that I have called – get prepared – finish up what I have asked you to do. Get in place. The time is now. When the dust settles, My glory will be revealed,” says God.
Do not fear, and do not panic if you are still not sure what you are supposed to do. God has said repeatedly that He will reveal it to you, but you must be listening for His voice. If you do have some idea of what you need to do, don’t wait. Pray and seek His guidance.
In His glory. Amen.