January 16, 2025

During my prayer time this morning, I was taken in the spirit, and I found myself sitting in the cockpit of a large airplane. Jesus was the pilot, and I was His co-pilot. Before us was the runway, and we were getting ready for take-off – waiting on the “GO” from Father God.

Jesus asked me, “Are you ready to launch?”

I answered excitedly, “YES!”

I had knowledge in the spirit that the plane was full of others that are a part of God’s Ekklesia. He is preparing us to launch in this new season – this New Era. I knew everyone on that plane was just as ready and excited as I was.

Jesus said, “Reformation is what Father has commanded – and that is what We are bringing.

Together, We will set things right. We will make things better – for many of My children have cried out to Us. We are coming to help, to deliver, to change and reform everything.

We will rebuild all that the enemy has destroyed.

If you have need of something – ask it of Me – for I hear all of your prayers. I hear your cries for help. I see your tears. My children – there is nothing I won’t do for you.

Now is the time. This is the day. Ask Me.

Do not doubt Me – who I am – what I can do for you.
Do not fear that you aren’t good enough or loved enough.

You are! You are! You are!!

Do not listen to the lies of the enemy – not anymore!

You are more than enough.
You are deeply loved.
You are strong enough.

Reformation is what I am bringing you. Everything will change! Just as a tsunami comes in and sweeps over the land – My remnant will do the same. When they are released, they will come and sweep over the land. They have been made ready for this time. They have My blueprints in their hearts and minds.

The rebuilding will begin, and everything will be made better.

It is reformation that has been commanded from the throne room of Heaven!

Reaping will take place. The evil and the righteous will reap what they have sown. The evil ones will suffer mightily, and My righteous ones will be blessed mightily!
During this time of reformation, My glory will be revealed over and over again. Many will come to know Me. It is not too late to repent.

This is the hour. This is the day. It is not too late!

This tsunami of reformation will be so massive that many will be in awe of what is happening.

They will say, ‘How can this be? We’ve never seen anything like this.’

No, you have not – and you never will again. That is why I said, ‘This is the hour. This is the day!’

It will sweep over all of the earth. None will escape it.

A flood of righteousness will pour over the land. You will take back what the enemy has stolen, and you will experience so many new and wonderful things all at once.

For My Ekklesia – get ready to launch!

The hour draws near.
Fill your lamps with oil.
Draw near to Me, and I will draw near to you.

Reformation is coming. Together we will rebuild, and it will be better – it will be more than you could ever ask or think.”

Ephesians 3:20 – “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.”

How amazing is our God? The way He loves us is just so incredible. I am ready to launch! How about you?

Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

There are still so many questions that I have. My imagination runs wild with wonder and amazement when the Lord speaks such encouraging words! The biggest question I have is, “WHEN?” When will this happen?

Then I imagine what it will be like, and I am filled with so much peace and joy!

No matter what happens or when it happens, my trust and faith are fully in the Lord God Almighty.

I am ready for reformation. I am ready to rebuild. I am ready to launch when the Lord says, “GO!”

I know He will instruct and lead me along the way – even if I don’t fully know what to expect, or what it looks like – I will keep my lamp full of oil. I will seek the Lord for His wisdom. I will stay close to Him just as He has instructed all of us to do.

This is the hour. This is the day! Reformation is coming! Praise the Lord!

In His love,