January 26, 2025
As I was praying and worshipping this morning, I saw a long veil/curtain gently blowing. It was open, and I felt the Holy Spirit inviting me to come – to walk to the other side of the veil.
So, of course I walked to the other side, and I was immediately greeted by Jesus! He gave me a hug and said, “Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here!”
I felt so much peace and love. My heart was filled to the brim with it! It was refreshing and exactly what I needed.
He said, “I invite all of My children to come here. It is through the veil that I will reveal many things.
Many think that it isn’t possible to reach Me because of the veil, but it was torn the day I was crucified. All who accept Me have access. There is nothing stopping them from fully receiving everything I have for them.
I invite you to come and sit with Me for a while. Let Me share the mysteries of Heaven with you. Allow Me to answer your questions. There is nothing off limits.
Come, I am excited to spend time with you. I am looking forward to it! Will you join Me today?”
Such a simple, profound request by our Savior.
He loves you. He wants to spend time with you. He wants to show you the mysteries of Heaven.
No question or concern you have is off limits – He will answer any question you have.
Thank You, Jesus. I accept! Amen.
We need our Savior – His love and peace that surpass all understanding. We need His guidance and His wisdom. There is so much to be grateful and thankful for, and it all starts with Jesus.
When I think about the veil/curtain that separates so many from the Lord, it breaks My heart to know there are so many that don’t know Him. Once you accept Him, that veil is removed. Your eyes are open to see, and your ears are open to hear the voice of the Lord – and everything changes.
It is the best decision you will ever make.
Spend some time with Jesus today. Allow Him into your heart and watch your whole world change.
In His love,