January 11th, 2025.
As I was worshipping and praying this morning, the Holy Spirit began speaking, and I began writing.
“What kind of example do you want to be for your children and family?
Do you want to stay stuck in the past with the baggage that keeps you bound?
Or do you want to change your mindset and leave all of that behind?
Do you want to continue down a path of destruction and chaos?
Or do you want to live a life of peace and freedom?
Do you want to teach your children bad habits?
Or do you want to see them thrive without all the things you had to deal with?
Do you want to continue to be stuck in a mud pit?
Or do you want to be a trailblazer?
A trailblazer doesn’t look to the left or right, and they never look behind them. They move forward. They decide what they want – and they go after it.
They change the path they were on – and they set a new standard for themselves and their family.
Which do you choose?”
I know the days ahead are going to be very different. The Lord continues to show me that our old way of doing things is going away – as well as our old mindsets, the way we think – it too, will change.
He continues to prepare us for this transition from the old to the new.
He is preparing His trailblazers – the ones that have said yes to Him. The ones that continue to seek Him intimately. He is teaching them – and once they are released, the world will never be the same.
A TRAILBLAZER is a person who is the first to do something or go into a new territory, an innovator, pathfinder, one that blazes a trail to guide others, or one who forges a new path through the wilderness.
The Lord took me in the spirit to what looked like the wilderness. There were trees all around me, grass, wild growth of many different flowers and such. The terrain looked rough, but somehow inviting.
Jesus was standing next to me, and He said, “So many of My children have been here in the wilderness with Me. At first, they didn’t understand why I brought them here – but now they know, and they are ready. They are prepared for what I am about to do.
They understand the purpose of the wilderness. I needed to pull them away from the ways of the world. They would have never found their purpose if I didn’t bring them here.
And now they will be My trailblazers – they will set a new standard.
They will help Me show others a better way. They will encourage others to find their purpose – so they, too, can become a trailblazer.
Do not think that you have missed out. I have called many, and some still have not answered the call. But as My Ekklesia continues to pray, many more will come and allow Me to do a work in their hearts – and they will soon move forward in what I have called them to.
There is plenty of work to be done – plenty of space for everyone to do what I created them for.
It’s time to do things differently. I invite all of you to be a part of what We are doing.
Trailblazing means we are setting a new standard – one that will completely wipe away the old way of doing things.
Many of you will set a new example for different things in the coming months.
I have told you that change is coming. I have been preparing you for this transition. Don’t let your doubts and fears hold you back any longer. We are moving forward.
Choose this day whom you will serve! (Joshua 24:15)
Do not think that I have overlooked you or that I have forgotten about you. I continue to call you closer to Me – but the enemy has a grip on you. REBUKE him! Tell him to flee!
Open your heart. Open your eyes. Open your ears to hear My voice! I am speaking to you, and I want you to answer the call I have placed over your life.
Seek Me, and I will be found.
Remember who you are in Me. Speak My word to the enemy – it is your greatest weapon.
It is time to move forward. It is time for you to be My trailblazer – making a new way for all that I have for you.
Come. Let Me show you.”
Isaiah 54:17 – “’No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and this is their vindication from me,’ declares the Lord.”
Psalm 91:1-2 – “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.’”
I know I’ve said this before – but what a time to be alive right now! God is about to release so many suddenlies that it will leave us reeling. So many changes will come upon us suddenly. So many lies will be revealed suddenly. Truth after truth will hit us suddenly. Things will begin to make sense suddenly. Everything we do – the way we do it will change suddenly.
We will see so many people step in to fill the gaping holes that will be left wide open as we transition into the new thing God is doing. These are the pioneers and the trailblazers that have answered the call of God. They have been in the wilderness – deep in the trenches – learning, working, preparing for what is about to happen.
These trailblazers will be unknown to us but are very well known by God. They have sought Him intimately. They know His voice, and they know His heart. When God says, “GO!” They will be ready to forge ahead with new blueprints, new inventions, new ideas, and new ways of doing things – things that the enemy has been holding back from us. But not anymore!
They will pave the way as we rebuild all that was destroyed by the enemy. We will be left in awe of the fiery trails that will blaze all around us – and so many will want to be a part of it, and they, too, will jump in with both feet – asking for God to show them the way!
Yes, indeed – our best days are ahead. Let’s work together, in unity, in the days ahead. I pray that each one of us find our way in the wilderness as God teaches and prepares us for what we are called to do.
Trailblazers – let’s be ready to move forward when God says, “GO!” Amen!
In His love,