January 22, 2025
I saw in the spirit this morning a giant seashell that was open. I watched it gently begin to close. When it came fully together, there was this huge relief that I felt deep within me. I felt so much peace and harmony.
I then heard the Lord say, “We are bridging the gap.”
The meaning of this is “to remove or reduce the differences that keep people or things separated.”
I immediately knew the Lord was talking about the division that is so real and potent in His children. This division is at dangerous levels right now. But God is going to heal, He is going to bridge that gap between us.
Left versus Right. Truth versus Lies.
There is much deception that needs to be uncovered. Once it is revealed, we must be ready to forgive the ones who were deceived. We must be ready to unite with all who were deceived by satan. Many of us were deceived, too. We must not forget that.
Remember that Jesus wants none to perish – and God is making a way for this very thing to happen.
The Lord says, “We are bridging the gap – the wide and long valley that separates My children.
I need the ones that I have called to go before Me, just as John the Baptist did – to turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous. I have called you to make ready others to be prepared for My return.
This is a time like no other. You will witness the wide valley of division get smaller and smaller until we have fully bridged the gap – and you will be in unity like never before.
Know this day, that I, the Lord your God – I am the One doing it.
So many of you can’t seem to imagine this ever happening – but today, I say to you – I am bridging the gap of division in My people.
We are working on this even now. My children will unite as ONE, and you will see PEACE, JOY, LOVE, and LAUGHTER flood your streets, your cities – all of the nations around the world will experience this.
I will make a way where there seems to be no way. Count on it!” (Isaiah 43:18-19)
Thank You, Lord! We need this so much! Everything seems to be muddied right now – unclear and confusing. But day by day, God is clearing the water. He is bridging the gap between us.
We will get to a place we have never been before. A place of unity and harmony. A place of loving our neighbors again. We will have peace instead of chaos – love instead of hate. We will have clarity instead of fog and confusion. Truth instead of lies.
So much is about to change – but first we have to walk through the lies we have been told. We must process how satan and those who serve him tried to harm and destroy us. It will be heart-breaking, but we will get through it.
And through all of this, God is working to bridge the wide and vast gap that is separating His children. I am looking forward to this unity.
Let all of us answer the call in helping to bridge the gap as the days and months ahead unfold. Let the peace of God rule and reign in our hearts and minds. May we seek Him for wisdom as He continues to do a mighty work all around us.
God is answering our prayers. Trust in Him.
In His love,