January 8, 2025
As I was praying this morning, the Holy Spirit asked me to imagine what it would be like if everything here on earth was the way God meant for it to be.
So, I did. I began to think about it…
I wouldn’t have to look up at the sky and wonder if there were harmful chemicals that were falling to harm us.
Fear would be gone – division a thing of the past.
Anxiety and stress wouldn’t be here.
Addiction wouldn’t exist.
Disease and sickness would be gone.
We would be happy, healthy, and full of joy!
Peace would reign.
Joy would surround us.
We would be in unity.
There would be no hate.
We would thrive in freedom instead of suffering in bondage.
Wow – I could go on and on.
We would have trust, honor, and integrity – something that is severely lacking in society today.
It’s hard to imagine because we’ve never had this before – not fully. We’ve experienced some parts of it, but not without all the worries, fear, and stress that constantly surround us.
I don’t think I’ve ever thought about this before because I didn’t think we would ever have it. But it sure does feel good to think about it now.
As I was pondering all of these things, I heard the Lord say, “The way you live now is about to change. I have spoken this to many prophets.
It’s time to embrace the changes that are coming.
So many of My children suffer because of your enemy. When I bring all that he has done into the light, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Even the most hard-hearted ones that are fully enraptured in the lies of the enemy – even they will fall to their knees in disbelief.
TRUTH is coming – count on it!
My children, I want you to start imagining a world that is not influenced and controlled by satan. What does that look like for you?
Write it down. Speak it out loud. Think upon these things. Ask Me about them.
Once your enemy has been fully revealed, everything changes.
I want you to prepare for it. I want you to think differently.
You will no longer operate the way you used to. There will be many blessings that come with these changes, and I invite all of you to be a part of what We are doing.
If you are not sure what you are to do – what your part is – ask Me, and I will show you. There is nothing I won’t do for you, My child.
You are here for a reason. Ask Me.
Embrace change. Welcome what is coming – for it is answered prayers that My Ekklesia have been praying for.
All of Heaven rejoices with you as we continue to prepare for these changes that will open the eyes of so many that are still deceived.
There is no detail that has been left out. It will affect every single one of you.
You are a big part of Our plan – embrace it, for you are loved far more than you know.
Ask Me any questions that you have about this. Seek Me, and I will be found.
You are about to experience unity like never before – get ready, for it is coming!”
How can you not be encouraged when the Lord reveals what He is doing? How can you not be excited when He lets us know that big changes are coming that are going to be good for us?
There is so much information being thrown at us in the news right now. It can be so overwhelming and confusing. This is why it’s important to seek God. If you have a question about something you hear, He invites you to ask Him about it.
He loves it when we seek TRUTH. He loves it when we don’t accept every single thing we hear. That has always been a part of the problem. Intimacy with the Lord keeps us on His path of truth and righteousness. It helps us discern truth from lies.
God has placed a desire for truth on our hearts – that is why we are seeing this huge shift playing out before us. We desire the TRUTH. We don’t want parts of the story. We don’t want fabricated stories. We simply want the TRUTH.
With the TRUTHS that are soon to be revealed will come big changes. It’s time to put our worries, doubts, fears, and anxiety aside and embrace the changes that are coming.
God has been preparing us for this very thing for many years, and we are finally at the point where we are ready to hear all that our enemy has done to us.
Embrace change – and get ready for God’s blessings to pour over all of us as He reveals what these changes are going to be. Amen.
In His love,