Philippians 4:7 – “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
With all the things going on around the world, it’s easy for us to get frustrated and it causes so many to lose hope. But we must not give up during these times of chaos and confusion!
We must put our hope, trust, and faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ. He is with us in the storm. He is our steadfast peace.
When I was praying this morning, the Lord gave me an encouraging word for all of us.
He said, “The Creator of Heaven and earth knows ALL things. What the enemy is doing will be brought into the light for all of you to see.
I am with you in the storms, My children. I see your pain. I hear your cries for help and your prayers. They have reached My throne room – and with vengeance, We are coming to deliver you from evil. No stone will be left unturned. There is no place the enemy and the ones that serve him can hide. We know exactly where they are.
Your questions will be answered. Your mourning will turn into dancing.
Let My peace that surpasses all your understanding surround you.
Let it wrap around you and comfort you during this time.
Take comfort in knowing My justice is coming very soon.
Know that I am close to you – always.”
Thank You, Lord, for your encouraging words. Thank You for your consistent assurance that our enemy will be defeated, and that You are with us in the storms.
Living with so much chaos and confusion around us tends to make us forget just how good our God is. This is a reminder that He never changes. He is steadfast – always there for every single one of us.
Hebrews 13:8 – “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
Let His peace wrap around you today. Let it comfort you. May hope arise within you with the assurance that God is working mightily all around us.
Justice is coming. We are almost there.
Praise the Lord for He is good! Amen.
In His love,