January 4, 2025

While praying this morning, I was taken in the spirit to Heaven – and I found myself standing in the middle of a field of the greenest grass I have ever seen.

Jesus was standing next to me, and He greeted me with a huge smile on His face. I then saw my favorite horse, Torch! And I knew that was why Jesus was smiling so big. He knows how much I love this horse.

Torch is Michael, the archangel’s horse. I had an encounter with both Torch and Michael several years ago, and it was amazing. You can read the full story on my website, KathyZacca.com.

Since then, I have had several encounters with Torch – and every one of them have been incredible. It’s hard to explain the connection I have with this amazing horse, but it’s strong – and I know he loves me just as much as I love him.

I greeted Torch with a big hug, and I was so full of joy. I walked with Jesus and Torch in the field. We ran, we played, and we talked. I felt so much peace. I needed it more than I realized, and it was wonderful.

If you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed or just need to be with Jesus – ask Him for it. He will be more than happy to spend time with you. Don’t listen to the negative thoughts that are saying, “It’s not possible. Jesus is too busy to spend time with you. You are not good enough or smart enough.” Those are all lies from the enemy. Just do it. Find your starting point and just do it. God will meet you there! He will guide you – even if you feel silly – especially if you feel silly, don’t give up. Just keep asking. Keep seeking Him. He will show up!

I’m praying for you and cheering you on! You got this!

While I was with Jesus, I surrendered all of my doubts, fear, anxiety, stress, and anything else that was weighing me down. I gave it all to Him – and I felt so free.

These past few weeks have been so incredibly stressful. I committed to do too much, and I paid the price for it. Surrendering it all to Him was key. I knew I needed to be refreshed and cleansed…and time with Jesus was exactly what I needed. It helped me so much.

Then Jesus gave me a word for all of us. He said, “Why do you hold onto things you do not have control of? It is a heavy burden to do this – one you are not meant to carry.

It is another way for the enemy to get a foothold in your life. It holds you in bondage to him.

Let it go. Surrender it to Me, and I will clear the way for you.

Surrender your thoughts to Me.
Surrender your burdens to Me.
Surrender your doubts and your fears.
Surrender anything that is holding you back from My peace.

Give it to Me and let Me show you a better way.

When you hold onto these things, it doesn’t help you. It harms you.

Surrender it to Me and let Me show you a different way – a better way that will change your life.

Surrendering it to Me is not giving up.
Surrendering to Me does not mean the end.
No! It is the beginning! A new beginning that will bless you in ways you have never thought of.

My children – I need you to understand this – the changes that are coming in this year will require you to surrender your old ways, your old thinking.

It’s time to move forward with what I have had for you all along – since before you were born, I have had something wonderful for you.

But the enemy stole it from you. He stole your peace. He cluttered your thoughts. He did everything he could to stop you from doing what I created you for.

Let all of that junk go. Surrender it to Me so I may renew and refresh your mind.

We have much work to do. What I have placed within you is needed by so many others.

Let’s get to work – together!
Let Me show you how to fly.
Let Me show you how to soar on wings like the eagle.

Surrender everything that is holding you back and let Me all the way into your heart.

Come to Me so I may tell you the plans I have for you.

It’s time to fly!
It’s time to let it all go and look forward to all that I have for you!
It’s time to surrender – for what I have for you will astound you.

Surrender nothing to the enemy – not anymore – never again!

But surrender everything to Me, and I will show you what true freedom is.

Let’s move forward together – you and Me – and we will change the world to be a better place – all because of your choice to surrender.

I am with you – always.”

Thank You, Lord! I surrender it ALL to You because I know the peace and freedom that flows through me when I do. I don’t want to stress over unnecessary things when I know You have a better plan; a better way. I don’t want to be overwhelmed with fear and anxiety when I know You simply want me to trust in You. I choose to surrender, Lord – all of it to You – every single time!

When I think about the days and months ahead – with all the changes the Lord has promised that are coming, my mind immediately goes to all these questions:

What is going to happen?
How will these changes affect us?
Will these changes be immediate?
Will the church change first?
How different is our government going to be?
When will our food and water be clean again?
How long is all of this going to take?

And so many other questions – it is endless!

But God knows we are all struggling with the same thing. When Lord? How Lord? What do we do, Lord? Help us, Lord!

We must surrender all of our doubts, worries, questions, anxiety, and fear to Him. He has every single thing worked out – down to the smallest detail.

So, when all those thoughts and questions begin to jumble in my head – the Holy Spirit reminds me to let it go. I surrender it to Him. And He reminds me that I am going to be okay. We are going to be okay.

We simply need to have faith and trust in God. He will answer all of our questions when it’s time. Remember to surrender it to Him – always – for He will take away our burdens. He will cover us in His peace. He will surround us with His love, and He will comfort us when we need it the most.

We serve an amazing God who loves each one of us deeply. Don’t let the enemy steal another minute of your peace. Go to God and tell Him you surrender all of your burdens to Him, and He will bless you abundantly. Amen!

God is good!

In His love,