January 2, 2025

While praying this morning, I was taken in the spirit, and I saw an open pathway before me with giant trees on both sides.

As I was standing there, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Those are sycamore trees.” There were so many of them – as far as my eyes could see, and they were huge!

I knew this was significant, so I looked up the meaning of a sycamore tree.

“The sycamore tree is an immense durable tree with a rapid growth rate and expansive root system.” (savatree.com)

It also represents abundance, prosperity, growth, sustenance, and shelter. They are immense trees that grow fast and can live up to 400 years or longer.

I knew the Lord was telling me once again that what He is about to build will be done quickly – and it will grow beyond what we can imagine. And it will last for a long time.

As the New Year dawns, it is time for us to look forward to what’s ahead. We can no longer look backwards – only forward. We have moved out of the old and shifted into the new – and God is the One leading the way.

The standard has been raised, and we must be up to the challenge!

We can no longer live the way we used to. It didn’t work out very well – but God is showing us a better way. We must step into it with confidence. We must be bold and courageous for what is coming. Amen!

I then heard the Lord say, “What I have for you in the coming days and months is going to be different from anything you have experienced before.

It will feel different. It will look different – but it will be good for you.

The enemy will suffer a mighty blow to his evil empire – and all that he has done will be made known. I have promised you TRUTH – and it is coming.

The winds of change are blowing in, and it will surprise many people – but not the ones who know Me intimately.

As these changes blow in – continue to pray for many will not understand what is happening, and chaos will break out for a short period of time.

Pray – trust in Me, and I will make all your paths straight.”

Proverbs 3:5-6 – “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

“It is time to look forward. It is time to move ahead with what I have shown you.

I have promised you change, and I have been preparing many of My children for these changes. There is nothing to fear for I am in the winds of change. I am in the clouds of confusion that will soon disappear.

I am in this with you. You have nothing to fear.

This is the dawn of a New Era – one that We have been looking forward to, one that will change the world as you know it, one that will show you exactly who your enemy is.

He will be exposed for all of you to see, and you will know exactly how deep he was able to go and how much harm he has caused.

We will rebuild – bigger, better, stronger, and faster than ever before.

Things will accelerate at a very fast pace – and it will bless you mightily. For I have heard your prayers, and I have released blessings from Heaven that will cause you to be in wonder of your Creator.

It’s time to look forward – not backwards – for you are done with the past. We are moving forward to the greatest days of your life.

You will be surrounded by My love, My peace, My grace, and My blessings.

You have much to look forward to, My children.

Let’s move forward – hand in hand – together, as we build like never before.

Ask Me and I will show you great and mighty things.

Are you ready to look forward?

It’s time to move. It’s time to step fully into what I have for you – and it will be better than you can imagine.”

What a mighty God we serve! I am so ready for what God is going to do in this year! I’m ready for TRUTH – even though it’s going to be painful. Let’s expose the enemy and begin to heal. Let’s rebuild together – something strong that the enemy cannot easily penetrate!

I’m LOOKING FORWARD to all the changes that are coming!

The winds of change have arrived, and I’m thankful that God chose us – this generation – to be a part of what He is about to do. We are blessed!

The sycamore tree is significant because it represents grace. It represents abundance and prosperity. It represents fast growth – and we are on the verge of building something so monumental that it will leave us in awe of God. He is guiding us – even now – He is the One that is leading this movement. Are you ready for it?

I love how the Lord is constantly speaking to all of us. It brings me so much peace. He cares. He knows what we are going through. He knows we have so many questions and that we don’t understand some of the things going on around us. He knows we want all of this to end – we just want the TRUTH, and we want the enemy and all who are a part of what he is doing to be taken down. He knows we are frustrated and angry. He knows all of it – and He is in every part of this fight with us.

We are so close to victory. We are so close to freedom. We are so close to the TRUTH – finally. Hang in there a little longer – this is our year. Soon, we will celebrate. Soon – everything changes, and we will never be the same again. Praise God!

Let’s look forward – not backwards, not anymore. God is moving – let’s join Him!

In His love,