November 5, 2024
Our Father knows our hearts are tender right now. He knows what is at stake, and today He has an encouraging word for us.
He said, “Today marks a new day…a new time…a new season.
Today everything changes.
Today is your day. It is a day that I have made. It is a day to be glad and rejoice in it.
Today – remember that your prayers have the power to change the world…and they did.
Rejoice in today and know that I am not finished yet. There is much that I am still working on, and nothing will change the plans I have for you, My children.
Nothing will change the plans I have to take your enemy down to the ground.
Today is a day like no other for it marks a new season. Today is your day – remember it!
Do not fear what is ahead for I am answering your prayers.
Today, I am with you, and I will never leave you.
Yes – today is your day, My children – and together we will do great and mighty things.
And tomorrow will be a new day. The morning will come, and I will be there. I will be with you in all of your tomorrows.
I love you, My children. Today is yours.
What will you do on this new day of change? This day that marks a new time and season?
My river flows, and My blessings will cover you. They will pour out over you.
Are you ready for it?
This day is your day – be glad in rejoice in it!”
Trust in the Lord today. Have faith that He is going to do what He promised.
Today – we rejoice in our salvation. We rejoice that God is going to deliver us from this evil.
Today is our day…a day that everything changes.
The joy of the Lord is our strength!
In His love,