A few days ago, I had a dream about a rotten onion.

It was a large onion, and I could see shades of black inside of it, and I knew it was bad. I then watched as layer after layer began to peel away, and as each layer came off, it got darker. The onion skin was slimy, and the smell was awful.

This went on for a really long time – layer after layer came off, and every time a layer came off – a new layer was exposed. I could finally see the center of the onion, and it was completely rotten and black. It was really nasty and gross, and as each layer came off – I didn’t think it could get any darker or blacker, but somehow it did.

I backed away from it because it looked and smelled so bad. And then I suddenly woke up.

The Holy Spirit immediately spoke to me and said, “This is what it’s like trying to get to the center of the evil that is all over the earth right now. It is layers upon layers upon layers, and the closer We get, the darker it gets – and the more rotten it gets. It is nasty, slimy, and it takes time. It is a difficult process – but we will get to the very core and expose it for all of mankind to see.”

I knew that the Lord was showing me that He is in the process of peeling these layers of evil back one at a time. When He does, another layer of evil is exposed, and then He peels that one back, and another layer of evil is exposed. It goes so deep, but He will not stop until He gets to the center of this evil. It will be exposed for all of us to see.

No matter how long it takes, God will finish what He started – because His remnant has cried out to Him to come and save us, and He is answering our prayers in a mighty way.

2nd Chronicles 7:14 – “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

God heard the cries and the prayers of His children, and He is coming to deliver us from our enemy once again.

These evil people will not win – satan will not win.

The way things are now are not how God meant for us to live. He has a better way, and He has been teaching, training, and preparing many of His children for the changes that are coming.

But first, He has to expose the evil – one layer at a time. And it’s nasty and dark – but we will get through this.

Don’t give up! Hang on tightly to Jesus – He will protect you and your family.

Stand on Faith with all your loved ones! God is good!

In His love,