The Lord is doing a mighty work all throughout the earth, and I want to encourage you today with a brief word He spoke to me.
Jesus said, “It’s in the waiting that the deepest work is taking place in your heart. It is in this place that you truly get to know Me, and I cherish these moments more than you know.
It’s in the waiting that you will find the rest you need, and it is here that I renew your strength.
It’s in the waiting that I am showing you a better way, and it is here that I will teach you how to soar above and not beneath.
My child – I’m teaching you how to fly – to mount up with wings as eagles.
I invite you to come to Me.
Come up higher, away from the noise. I have so much more for you.”
Oh, how we need our Savior! The world seems to be so chaotic and so many of us are frustrated and anxious – but Jesus knows all about it, and He has invited us to come up higher – away from all the noisy chaos so we can hear His voice and His instruction and direction.
Take some time today to go sit and wait on the Lord. Rest in Him; let Him renew your strength. Listen for His voice and allow Him to show you a better way.
As we continue to move forward in this battle of good versus evil, stay close to Him. It is the safest and most peaceful place to be.
In His love,