August 1, 2024

As I was praying and worshipping this morning, I saw a building under construction in the spirit. This building looked different than other buildings I have seen here in the natural that are under construction. The materials looked different.

I heard these words in the spirit, “Everything is under construction.” And I knew the reason this building looked different is because everything is changing. We will rebuild differently than we did before. Praise God – for He is good!

The one thing that stood out to me as I was watching this is how peaceful it was. There was no chaos or confusion – only peace and joy.

I watched as men moved around – each doing their assigned job with joy on their faces.

The atmosphere around me was full of God’s glory! It was wonderful!

Suddenly, Jesus was standing next to me. He said, “There are so many good things coming to all of My children – so many things to look forward to.

This season that you are currently in will soon end. The chaos, the evil, the confusion, the fog – all of it will soon be exposed and cleansed.

We will rebuild as you continue to call things down on earth as it is in Heaven.

So many of you are unsure of your future. You fear for your children and grandchildren. You worry instead of seeking Me. You fret about things because the enemy is whispering words of fear in your ears.

My children – do not fear! Do not worry! Do not fret – for My Kingdom is upon you!

Your greatest days are just ahead.

This is a time for you to BE STILL and know who I am. (Psalm 46:10)

This is the time for you to seek Me above everything else.

The time is NOW for you to lay all of your fears and burdens down and come to Me just as you are. I will not turn you away!

I will welcome you with open arms for I love you just as you are.

The earth and everything in it is about to change – for My Ekklesia, My remnant have called upon My name, and I am coming to heal your land.

You will watch your enemy fall as the evil things he has done are exposed – and we will rebuild.

I will bring in the new blueprints that I have been preparing so many of you for. It will be glorious – fresh – full of joy and freedom!

It is coming!

But for now, I need you to stop trying to figure it all out. There are many reasons I haven’t fully released what I am about to do – some of which you will soon understand.

I need you to BE STILL and know that I AM GOD!

Come to Me. Quiet your thoughts. Quiet the noise around you.

Come and let Me speak to you. Let me teach and guide you. BE STILL so you may hear My voice – and I will guide your steps.

I say it again for the ones that need to hear this:


You were never meant to do this alone.

I am here.

BE STILL – come to Me, and BE STILL. Let Me minister to you. Let Me in your heart.

There is much I need to say to you that the enemy doesn’t want you to hear. You are allowing his voice to be louder than Mine.

I have MORE than you can ask or think. (Ephesians 3:20)

You need only to BE STILL and listen for My voice.

Together, in the days ahead – we will rebuild – and I will teach you, show you, guide you to do things a better way.

If you want to know how – you need only to BE STILL.

I am here, and I am waiting for you.”

Thank You, Lord, for your encouraging words! Thank You for showing us that no matter what happens in the days ahead, we need not fear any of it.

As long as we stay close to God, He will protect us and our families.

Many people will be surprised at the things that are about to take place all around the world – but none of this will be a surprise to God or the ones that know Him intimately. He has assured us multiple times through many different prophets that big changes are coming – and these changes will come right after our enemy is exposed and defeated.

God is dismantling satan’s evil empire, and it is about to come crashing down. Once our enemy is defeated, we will begin to rebuild – and it will be different than what we’ve done in the past. If you want to know more about what God is doing, He is asking for you to be still, quiet your thoughts, and go to Him. He would love to have you be a part of the great changes that are coming.

Psalm 46:10 – “He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

In His love,