June 17, 2024
This morning, I was praying, and I saw a young man walking – holding a bag over his shoulder. He looked tired, frustrated, and overwhelmed.
I knew in my spirit that he had struggled throughout his childhood for many different reasons.
I watched as he walked through his life. Sometimes he would lay the bag down, and he seemed happier for a brief time. But then he picked up that bag again.
Over time, the bag grew heavier and heavier, so much that he had to drag it behind him.
He met a woman, and once again he let the bag go. They had children together – and he seemed happy for a while. But he picked up that heavy bag again.
The bag held him back from so many different things – happiness and opportunities that would change his life.
As the years went on, the countenance on his face turned to bitterness, and his anger grew.
I knew this man was struggling deeply with life. The enemy was doing everything he could to destroy this man, and he almost succeeded multiple times.
But somehow, by the grace of God, he survived through all the ups and downs, the chaos, rejection, and depression. He spent more time down in the deepest pit of darkness than he did in light.
His children wanted nothing to do with him. His wife hated him. His family had rejected him. He was suffering deeply.
Until one day – everything changed in an instant.
I saw him walking with his bag, and at this point – it took great effort to drag it because it was so heavy.
As he was walking, he suddenly stopped. He was looking straight ahead, and I saw this beautiful light. I knew this man could see it, too.
Suddenly Jesus walked out of the light with His arms open, and the man ran into His arms. Jesus enveloped him and held him as he cried – tears of release, tears of pain and sorrow, and tears of joy and freedom.
When the man stepped back, everything about him looked different. He looked younger, healthier. He was full of joy and not bitterness.
He was set free! And you could see it all over his face!
I looked back to where he had left his bag, and it was gone! The bag that carried all of his sins, burdens, regrets, fear, anger, anxiety, rejection, loss, and so much more had completely disappeared!
One encounter with Jesus changed everything!
The Lord restored what the enemy had stolen from this man in one encounter.
I will never forget the look of pure joy on this man’s face. It forever changed him. He looked happy. He had peace, and he had light shining from within him.
One encounter with Jesus changed him! And everything was restored to him. Wow – so beautiful!
I then heard the Lord say, “What the enemy meant for harm, I will turn it into something good. (Genesis 50:20)
My children, nothing is too difficult for Me.
There isn’t one situation that you are in that I can’t help you with.
There is no relationship that is beyond repair.
There is nothing I won’t do for you.
But first – you must lay it down and let it go.
Lay down the baggage. Lay down your worries, your past relationships, your financial problems, your health, your spouse and your children, your job – lay all of your worries down, and let them go.
Lay down your doubts, your fears, your questions, your anger and anxiety.
Let it all go…
I never meant for you to carry any of these things. It is your enemy that does this to you.
He whispers lies and puts evil thoughts into your mind, and you listen to these things because you don’t know Me as you should.
If you knew Me, then you would understand what he is doing, and you would never allow it.
My child, let Me show you how to live in freedom – full of peace, joy, and an abundance of love. Let Me show you a better way to live – one where you and I partner together. One where I teach and show you what you were created for.
One encounter with Me will change your life.
One encounter with Me will open your eyes.
One encounter with Me is all you need.
Lay it down and let it go. What the enemy is doing to you is not worth holding onto.
You, My child, are deeply loved and cherished.
You have purpose.
You are beautiful.
Let Me show you with one encounter…
Lay it down and let it go.”
Thank You, Jesus. You are wonderful and mighty, and You are worthy to be praised!
No matter where you are in life, no matter what you’ve done, no matter what your circumstances are – none of it is too hard for God.
One encounter with Him, and your whole life will change in an instant.
Are you carrying around all of your baggage? Is it getting heavier as time goes by? Do you feel like you spend more time in a deep, dark pit than you do in the light?
One encounter with Jesus, and all of that disappears.
I’ve been in this place. I know how dark and lonely it feels. But I chose to lay it down and let it all go. I had one encounter with Jesus, and it changed my life.
He is my rock, my salvation, my friend, and my Savior. He is the first One I turn to when my world gets rocked. He is my peace when things are chaotic.
When I chose Him, I discovered that I was already chosen by Him – and now He is showing me the gifts He placed within me. He will do the same with you.
All it takes is one encounter with Jesus.
In His love,