June 16, 2024

As I was praying this morning, I was taken in the spirit, and I saw two roads in front of me. They were side by side, and they mirrored each other. They looked exactly the same. The only difference between the two was the people.

There were people walking on both of these roads – but they (the people) were different – they were not mirror images.

Questions began to form in my mind about what I was seeing, and then I saw Jesus – and I knew He had a message for us.

As I continued to watch, I saw more and more people jump from the road on the left to the road on the right.

Eventually, no one was left on the road to the left, and I noticed that the road began to turn dark – and it faded away.

Jesus said, “For some time now, My children have been in a place of transition.

The ones that you saw on the right in the beginning have already transitioned. They are My pioneers – they are paving the way for others. They are preparing for what is to come.

Over time – many continue to answer My call. They awaken to My TRUTH, and they, too, go through the transition process.

Your enemy continues to try and stop this – but he will not be successful.

Things will continue to shift – some will feel this in a deeper way than others.

But – hear My words – A BIRTHING is coming that will change everything.

Many that I have been preparing are ready to BIRTH what I have placed within them. They are feeling the birthing pains because it is time!

Some of these births will happen simultaneously, and it will help with the completion of this transition period.

You are in a place that you have never been before. It is a place of transition – and no one, not one single person will be unaffected by this.

Every one of you will transition into the New Thing that is being birthed.

Everything you thought you knew will be changed in an instant once My TRUTH is revealed – and every part of how you used to live will fade away.

Even the ones that continue to turn a blind eye to evil and all that is happening around the world will not be able to escape what is coming.

It is TRUTH – My TRUTH – and it is unstoppable!

I hear some of you asking Me, ‘How do I prepare for this?’

My answer to you is, ‘Seek Me so that I may be found. Now is not the time to ignore the many warnings I have given you. For it is My righteous ones that will be unharmed and untouched during the completion of this transition!

Seek Me. Ask Me. Come to Me. It is not too late!

I ask that you come to Me now – not later!

The birthing is coming.

The TRUTH is coming.

I invite you to be a part of what is about to take place.

You are welcome – for I love you with all that I am! Come!”

Thank You, Jesus, for Your invitation! Thank You for letting us know it’s not too late! And thank you for guiding us during this transition.

Let me give you a few more details about the vision I saw in the spirit. The road to the left is the road that most people are currently on. More and more people are awakening every day – and they are seeking God for TRUTH.

As these TRUTHS are revealed, we will begin to understand why things have been the way they are. We will understand why we’ve been lied to. We will understand why God has taken as long as He has to prepare us for these TRUTHS – and this whole time, He has been transitioning and preparing us for the New Era that we have already entered into.

Our old way of doing things will fade away – because we were never meant to do things that way. We were never meant to live with satan ruling us through our governments, our churches, our schools, our families, our health – and so much more!

God has a better way – and once the TRUTH is finally revealed, things will change monumentally – and it will be better than you could possibly think or imagine.

This transition period will continue until we are ready for these TRUTHS to be revealed – and we are very close to that time.

Jesus said, “The birthing is coming. The TRUTH is coming.” And He wants all of us to be a part of what is about to take place!

Don’t wait! Seek Him. We are headed to the best days of our life! Hallelujah!

In His love,