November 21, 2024.

As I was praying this morning, I asked the Lord what to expect in this new year. What is it going to look like? What is the word You have for us this year, Lord?

He took me in the spirit, and I saw beautiful green trees. There were fields of blooming flowers. I saw fields of corn, wheat, cotton, and many other vegetables – all ready to be harvested – with no tares, no weeds anywhere to be found.

The sun was shining; the air was clean and crisp. There were no dead leaves or dead flowers. Everything was alive and thriving. It was beautiful and wonderful.

Revelation came and it hit me over and over again. The tares are gone. The weeds are gone! It’s gone! The evil is gone!

My heart began to fill with joy! And I knew in my spirit that what we are to expect this coming year cannot be put into one word – for we will experience many things in this coming year.

This is more about a season – a time the Lord has set aside for us that will be unlike any other time before.

We will embrace many changes this year.
There will be many that answer God’s call on their life.
There will be reaping.
There will be restoration.

We are in the Dawn of a New Era.

It is the Golden Age, and it’s time to mobilize.

There are so many good things coming, and our enemy will finally be defeated.

It will be heartbreaking to finally know all that he has done, but we will recover; we will heal. Amen.

I then heard the Lord say, “A new day, a new year, a new season, a new era – there are many blessings I will pour over you in this new year.

It’s a time to harvest.
It’s a time to rejoice.
It’s a time to celebrate.
It’s a time for reaping and a time for restoration.
It’s a time to rebuild and a time to rest.

I have been calling you, My children, to come up higher – and some of you have answered the call. This year, many more will come up higher, and I will reveal their purpose – and My blessings will flow like a river as the body of Christ unifies.

Nothing is too hard for Me. I revealed to you through My prophets that your enemy would be destroyed – that he and his evil empire would fall. It will fall! And when it does, I will send My cleansing winds to remove the stench from among you.

I am preparing the fields; removing the tares – so it will be ripe for harvest.

This season, this era you are in will change the world as you know it.

That is what you can expect in the coming year.

What I am doing now will affect every person – none will escape it. This will change the path of destruction you were on. This will bring you back to Me – for you will know the TRUTH, and it will set you FREE!

Did you think I would not do what I said I would?
Did you think I didn’t hear your prayers? See your pain and your tears?

I know ALL things. I see and hear ALL things.

My church was unstable, and I am taking her back down to the roots.

I am rebuilding My church, and it will be on a stable foundation – one that cannot be shaken!

Together, we will rebuild.
Together, we will celebrate the victory that is soon coming.

Today is a new day – and tomorrow and every day after will be a blessing.

Do you trust Me?
Do you have faith in Me?
Are you ready for the best days of your life?

It is coming.
Unity is coming.
Freedom and victory are coming.

You have entered the Golden Age.

Watch and see what I am about to do for you, My children.

My blessings are coming.

Are you ready?”

Wow. I don’t have words.

I’m so full of gratitude and joy. I never thought we would get to this point. I never thought we would stop the enemy – that our prayers would be answered in this way.

Four years ago, I thought we were done – that we would continue down the path of destruction that we were on. My hope was hanging on by a tiny thread. But God turned it around for all of us.

He heard our prayers. He chose this time, this generation to fulfill His plans of restoring His church. What a blessing and an honor to be alive right now.

It hasn’t even fully happened yet, but I can see it. I can feel it. God continues to prepare us for it. We are so close to victory.

Our fight isn’t over yet. The enemy will continue to try steal, kill, and destroy. But now we are awake, and as the TRUTH comes out – we will know what to look for, and we will not be deceived in the same way again.

A new day. A new year. A new season. A new era. Thank You, Father, for the way You love us.
We are thankful; grateful.

Let us all continue to come up higher – to seek God intimately for revelation for the days to come. We must stand together as one body – united to serve our Father in Heaven, and to bring His Kingdom here on earth as it is in Heaven.

The Golden Age – it will be the best one yet.

In His love,