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The Teacups
April 5, 2022 I had an encounter with the Lord, and it was a joyful experience! I was sitting, praying, and waiting on the Lord in the evening, and as I closed my eyes, I immediately felt joy all around me. I found myself sitting next to Jesus in a giant teacup. It is...
Soaking in His Presence
April 4th, 2022 Today, I sat and worshipped. I needed Jesus – I needed His love, His comfort, His encouragement, and He didn’t disappoint. Life gets so busy, so overwhelming, so crazy, and sometimes we just need to soak in His presence. I closed my eyes, and Jesus was...
My Personal Room in Heaven
I have debated about sharing this vision. It was so personal, so intimate, so real to me. I’ve prayed about sharing it many times, and every single time I ask, the Lord’s answer is the same – “Share it so others will know they can come the same way you did.” So, I’m...
Are You Ready?
I had an encounter with the Lord last night. I needed time with Him. I soaked in His presence while worshipping and rested for a time. He wiped away all the things that have been weighing me down and replaced it with reassurance and strength. I needed His encouraging...
Our world looks different than it did even ten years ago. But we can be encouraged because our God is in control.
Change can sometimes be scary, depending on the circumstances. We are in a season of big changes right now, and in the natural, it doesn’t look too good. The good news is, our God is still on the throne, and He is very aware of the changes we are experiencing. Good...
“My blessings will overflow on My children as they come back to Me – one by one.”
This morning in my quiet prayer time, I found myself seated between Jesus and God. We were seated on a large bench, and we were sitting outside. There was a giant flower hovering above us. It was beautiful. It was leaning towards us, and the smell was magnificent. We...
“Intimacy is the key that will unlock all of your blessings. Seek Me, and you will find Me.”
I had an encounter with the Lord this morning. I closed my eyes, and the first thing I saw was Jesus sitting on a porch swing. He invited me to come sit with Him. We sat together and talked about things that were weighing on my heart. He gave me some great insight...
“My children, rest assured that I know everything, and they will not get away with it!”
What they are doing in the dark will be brought to light. Once again, I am truly amazed at our Father. He has so much to say, and all we have to do is sit with Him. Today, I was struggling a little bit with everyday life stuff, but as I sat with Him, it all went away,...
Fear runs so deep in some of us, and we have no idea how much damage it does in our everyday lives.
Fear runs so deep in some of us, and we have no idea how much damage it does in our everyday lives. I am guilty of it, too. This is something that God has been speaking to me about for the past couple of months, and I know He wants His children to overcome it. But we...
His Light brings JOY. His Light brings TRUTH. His Light brings VICTORY. His Light brings FREEDOM.
When His light comes, the darkness immediately flees. His light changes everything the moment you have it within you. If you know Jesus, you have His light inside of you…and that means darkness does not exist in you. Let the Light you have within you shine brightly...